Paying the Ultimate Political Price Oct 17, 2013 Bill Tatro - TopicsExpress


Paying the Ultimate Political Price Oct 17, 2013 Bill Tatro I write this column with a heavy heart as once again our so-called American political leaders have abandoned their principles and responsibilities in favor of their own personal gain. How can such decisions favor these men and women at the country’s expense, you ask? The answer is found in a recent Yahoo! article written by Jon Terbush entitled Marco Rubio’s Incredible Vanishing Act. It seems that Senator Rubio, the rising Tea Party Republican star, first arrived in Washington, D.C. with great tailwinds — a Republican party in disarray seemed to be calling for someone with the credentials of the young Cuban-American. Rubio’s spirit and enthusiasm for immigration reform was only logical. Although I personally disagreed with his position regarding immigration reform, I applauded his courage and conviction. Sometimes you must admire your opponent when they truly stand on their principles. Unfortunately, Senator Rubio’s courage, convictions, and principles melted away under the intense fire of talk show hosts, the Heritage Singers Foundation, and even the Tea Party itself. With his lofty position as 2016 GOP presidential frontrunner quickly withering away, Rubio and his aids went into protection mode. Thus, a very important decision needed to be made: Marco Rubio had to either tuck away his principles and beliefs to once again be considered the fair-haired child for both Senate reelection and the presidential office, or stand tall on what he believed was right and possibly give up his future in politics. Well, you all know Rubio’s pivotal decision. After all, principles and beliefs can be resurrected after reelection, can’t they?
Posted on: Thu, 17 Oct 2013 11:37:03 +0000

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