Peace and Salam! This is an updated slightly detailed synopsis - TopicsExpress


Peace and Salam! This is an updated slightly detailed synopsis of my prior simple paper i wrote addressing the very basic qualities of this intricately numerical structure which had been hiding a secret for millennia, formidably coded within The Final Testament of GOD and now that this secret is no longer a secret we see it everywhere in the universe. Here, in comparison to my original brief paper, I will have to be much more specific and much more precise, only due to the unexpected opposing parties. I had prepared my initial outline with an expectation that this simple matter of fact will be unchallenged and will be easily welcomed by what I thought were intelligent submitters. This I had assumed because of its obvious blatancy and the irrefutable Quranic facts along with the simplest of English words partnered with the common logical sense I thought all humans had let alone our so called knowledgeable elite of submitting brothers and sisters. O Lord wasn’t I way off? I was totally shocked and baffled at the most unthinkable responses I received, not by deniers or by new comers but who would have guessed “Veterans” that claim to be pioneers in our small submitting to God alone community that we have online. This highly disputed Paper I had quickly constructed concerning the “Mathematical Miracle” of The Final Testament I had seen as an undeniable actuality. However I did not really Take what I should have into consideration and that is the ‘Envious Ego.” This ugly thing reared its head almost at a hundred percent. It was the single major Opposing deifier of God’s Given Final Testament Fact. There was many attempting to discredit, criticize, argue, oppose, deceive even blaspheme in their endeavors but hopeless efforts in attempting to defy Gods own proofs and direct words. I can only presume that this tremendous effort was to be made to deflate the massive truth and inflate their shallow Ego’s. This barrage of rejecter was so many I would not be exaggerating if I called them collectively a small army. This amount indeed was surprising far too many to name all, but I am going to name one. The reason why I have chosen this individual character is because of his bold audacity and he was the least I had expected to bombard me with blanks. The individual I am talking about is the self claimed alleged co-founder of The United Nation Of Submitters together with The Messenger Of The Covenant Dr Khalifa himself , Mr Sheyh Adam who blew me away with an absolute beauty of a totally blind unaware demand that I will Quote later in this detailed yet basic fact right after I repeat myself as I did so many times before Mr Adam’s unpredictable ridicules demanding question. So Here it is, This is not an Egotistic boast of Gibberish but a simplistic sentence that explains exactly what has transpired from day one back in 1974 when Dr Khalifa was written to Reveal This One Of The Greatest Miracle’s, then I will elaborate for those that can not understand simplicity. Over It Is 19, this one time in history was a “Code” divinely set, embedded in as the only denominator but more constructively as the formula in decrypting and decoding the “Numerically structured book” that is the foundation of this impossible human construction of letters, numbers and grammatical value totals so precise and intricately infinite that Only God could have BUILT, which in turn triggered a search that The Chosen “Messenger Of The Covenant” had to execute and inevitably eventuating in finding “The Hidden Secret” that is undeniably “One Of The Greatest Miracles” EVER! This Sentence Should have a loud Ring to it if you are even a first year student in the study of The Final Testament! Now in Chapter 83 Verse 8 The Final Testament States [83:8] Do you know what Sijjeen is? (please Take note of the numbers they are 8 + 3 + 8 = “19” [83:9] A numerically structured book. [83:10] Woe on that day to the rejectors. Then later in the Chapter I Quote [83:19] Do you know what `Elleyyeen is?(please take note the verse number “19” [83:20] A numerically structured book. [83:21] To be witnessed by those close to Me So We see here that GOD is naming The Final Testament Sijjeen For those that Reject this and Elleyyeen For Those are Close To Him and Accetpt This! So Please Stop calling it a "Code" because the code has been hacked, smacked and totally cracked wide open. So just to make it totally clear and no confusion left at all I will reiterate that a “code” is used to encrypt a message deliberately obscure and hidden it and this is no longer the case with the Final Testaments Hidden Secret mentioned in Chapter 74 “The hidden secret” and is obeying Gods command to come out and warn and that is precisely what it is doing now, warning. I can only repeat and remind what God has Revealed and He is the only One that has any significance, So Praise God Lord of The Universe for Blessing Us with this irrefutable evidence proving that He Is God alone without any partners and to never doubt Him ever. Here in this subject its revalence is that God himself calls it as it is a numerically structured book so “I” am withdraw from doubting Him and call it a structure, that leads in two paths. One path is leads to Hell for the Rejecters and the other obviously to Paradise For those Close to Him the Accepters. This is a blessed Warning if we were to call it a numerical warning it would be more exact than calling it a numerical code. The Hidden secret is now visible and warning that it is our choice whether to choose Sijjeeen or Elleyyeen A "Numerically Structured Book". So you choose which one of these Paths that is available within This Authentic book of GOD Now For That Quote Please Get Ready For Bafflement lol Sheyh Adam Oh no…Ilhan, I think you’re getting out line with this your semantic exercise…please calm down. This time I am with Maxy, while you’re the one getting it wrong. I don’t know where you got your structure thing that you claim is from God. Can you point to a single verse in the Quran that described 19 as a structure. As far as I know it is in Rashad English translation that he chose the word “Structure” to describe both [83:9 & 20] “Kitabun marqumun” as “A numerically structured book”. Ask as many Arabic speakers to describe “marqum” and see how many of them would use the word “Structure” for it. We are now in the bless month of Ramadan we should be kinder to one another…peace and happy Ramadan! HAHAHAHAHA lol This is especially bafflingly funny to myself because I Had “pointed out two single Verses” before this Einstein of a Request! Exactly the ones I have here! So Please Mr Sheyh Adam, Reevaluate your position in this Matter, for Your Sake and I must advise “If you took life a little less UnHappy you will feel Happier” hahaha Now and forever If You Are MUMIN! Hahaha Peace In The Middle EAST But WEST Side Ya “WOGS” lol
Posted on: Fri, 12 Jul 2013 10:58:10 +0000

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