Peace be unto u. Psalm 91:2-3. 2 I will say of the Lord, He is - TopicsExpress


Peace be unto u. Psalm 91:2-3. 2 I will say of the Lord, He is my Refuge and my Fortress, my God; on Him I lean and rely, and in Him I [confidently] trust! 3 For [then] He will deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the deadly pestilence.(AMP) In verse 2 above, d Psalmist acknowledged God.He knew who God is,not what he thinks or guess rada he confidently explained d key roles of God in his life. The secret place of God is meant for people wth perfect understanding,belief and trust of what God has done, what He is doing nd what He wuld continue to do in their lives.Not 4 faithless people and doubters One of d assured benefit of being under d SHADOW of d Almihty dat,He will save u frm fowler snare. A fowler snare is used to trap birds.Some grains will be put at an ATTRACTIVE but DELICATE position to lure d bird to d snare. B4 d bird realise what is going on, d deed is done So also enemies, set traps or snares for u everyday to kill ur aspirations and purpose in life. Bait as used in d fowlers snare is also used by d enemies.Dey use what is most precious to u,tins u cant resist doing,ur favorites,best foods and drinks,best friends,pals,even relatives etc to ATTRACT u to d DELICATE nd DESTRUCTIVE snare which apparently u re ignorant of. But dwelling in d secret place of God which qualifies u to abide under d SHADOW of Almighty is d guanranteed,reliable nd dependable safety frm d snares and bait I say to a believing soul,every satanic bait set to lure u into snare of destruction,failure,nd death has failed by fire in Jesus name. By d power of His blood,u re released nd delivered frm every snare dat has trapped u down 4 destruction nd death in Jesus name. God bless u LOVE U
Posted on: Wed, 22 Jan 2014 06:10:18 +0000

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