Peeking around the edge, she saw the youngest of the three men - TopicsExpress


Peeking around the edge, she saw the youngest of the three men grab the teenage girl. The one who would have been safe in the stockroom had Mina not brought flowers, she reminded herself. A stronger taste of aluminum and hint of burning in her sinuses told her to stay still and out of the way. She ignored it. This was her fault, and worse, peoples lives were in danger. She assessed the situation from her hiding spot, peeking around the corner. Two had their guns out, one pointed at the girl, the other with a pistol held up, simply demonstrating its presence. The last had his hand under his jacket, but hadnt drawn yet. Two of the people in the shop only had to drop or dive to have cover, but the girl was out in the open. Mina moved around the shelving unit to get close to the one with his gun on the girl while he argued with the woman. When she felt she was close enough, she grabbed one of the display cases and tossed it out on the floor. Hearing the noise, the man spun. He got halfway through demanding to know who was there when Mina burst into motion. Before his finger could squeeze the trigger, Mina got to his wrist. She applied a wrist lock even as she lifted his arm up and away. His finger squeezed reflexively, sending a bullet whining past her ear. He never got off a second shot before she dislocated his wrist with a twist, then disarmed him with her otherhand, breaking his thumb and pulling the gun away. Releasing her grip, she finished him with a quick pistol whipping with his own gun. Before hed hit the floor, she was on to the next. This one didnt even get a shot off before shed taken the two steps to reach him and brought an open hand up under his chin in a perfect sapping blow. As he was losing consciousness, Mina shoved him towards the third, directing his fall to occupy the last assailant. She got to that one before he could get his pistol entirely out, catching hold of his wrist. A quick impulse ran her through the basics of the stance he was starting to shift into. She wasnt sure what style of kung fu he knew yet, but she was sure he had training. Keeping his hand trapped in his jacket with onehand, she kicked at the inside of his ankle, rolling it, putting him off balance. As he started to stumble, Mina directed it, her free hand grabbing the hair at the back of his head and slamming his head down on the corner of the wooden vid-store counter. Without thinking about it, she took all of the guns, wiped her prints off, and set them on the counter. That was the point she realized there were four shop employees looking at her, stunned. My third book, first trad-published (and first YA) comes out on the 29th of this month. fireandiceya/authors/jeffreycook/minacortez.html
Posted on: Fri, 23 Jan 2015 22:14:53 +0000

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