Penultimate story from the one and only Susie Jennings: Here is - TopicsExpress


Penultimate story from the one and only Susie Jennings: Here is tonights Bedtime Story.....only one more to come..... Christmas Presents all Round So today dawned crisp with frost and all the grass was white....the trees twinkled with diamonds all the way to the tips of the branches. Our Sick Note Travellers were up early and soon loaded onto the lorry. They were full of all the things they had heard from the other travelling horses. The Men People had loaded them according to delivery so at the front of the lorry was Grace....she was so excited she could hardly stand still....hoping the journey wouldnt be too many hours as she longed for the first sight of her New Mummy. Next was Iona......she glanced down her sides and hoped her New Mummy didnt mind if she was a bit bony....she promised to herself that she would eat all the good things she had heard would be given to her. Then Ishmael....our brave young colt ...who overcame his fears and sang his way into the hearts of his fellow travellers. Estrella stood next to him.....she hoped that her Mummy would love her and wouldnt be cross if she was a little timid to begin with.... Finally....Amber Floratina....with her silver mane tossing in the breeze coming through the air vents. All these horses were bound for the UK....their New Owners were waiting anxiously....hoping they had not forgotten anything which would make their new Babies feel welcome. Ishmael was hopping about from foot to foot....he was showing Iona his footwork with an imaginary football. It will be a red football....he panted....I just know my Mummy will buy me a red football. If she doesnt ....then I will ask Santa for one.....The Dragons told me that he always knows what little boys deserve. Iona watched him in awe.....his footwork was superb to her innocent eyes.....she looked down at her long legs and imagined dancing with her Mummy. Her little feet drummed on the floor of the lorry as she Piaffed to the music in her head. Estrella was thinking about the SHOW.......I would love to go to the SHOW....she was sure she could remember all the patterns of movement the dressage classes required. She stretched a leg out in front of her to admire her shapely knee..... I shall reach out with my legs in a big trot and my canter will be smooth and easy.....she told Amber Floratina. Amber Floratina agreed that Estrella would excell at Dressage....for herself she wanted nothing more than to be Special to her New Special that her New Mummy would hold her in her heart forever. The lorry rolled onto the ferry.....the storm had passed and all was calm. The water glugged past the sides of the ferry with a merry tune......and the horses followed the tune.....singing loud and clear to keep their spirits up We wish you a Merry Christmas; We wish you a Merry Christmas; We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Good tidings we bring to you and your kin; Good tidings for Christmas and a Happy New Year. Oh, bring us a figgy pudding; Oh, bring us a figgy pudding; Oh, bring us a figgy pudding and a cup of good cheer We wont go until we get some; We wont go until we get some; We wont go until we get some, so bring some out here We wish you a Merry Christmas; We wish you a Merry Christmas; We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. They sang many verses....sometimes repeating themselves......until they felt the ferry bump against the side of the dock. There were lots of voices and the engines started....the fumes turned the air they waited to roll off the ferry. Slowly....slowly they inched their way forward.....then suddenly they burst into the sunshine of a cold frosty day in England. The horses looked out of the windows..... Oh look ...look....shouted Iona....Green grass.....Oh Look is splendid..... Grace was riveted ...she had never seen so much food...all around Its everywhere ...she shouted back to Iona.....So much food..... And her eyes were huge ...trying to see it all at once. Amber Floratina joined in with exclamations..... Grass and trees....lots of trees.....we are never going to be hungry ever again....she breathed. Meanwhile, the lorry trundled along the country roads....through the lanes until they drew off the road into a layby. The road was busy and the People looked curiously at the large horse Lorry with the foreign writing on the side. The ramp was lowered...fresh air rushed into the lorry over the horses and they sniffed the new smells. The man people took Amber Floratina by the rope and turned her head....she looked out in wonder....there were People at the bottom of the ramp....they were waiting for her to come down.....waiting just for her.....a Mummy stepped forward and spoke to her....and Amber Floratina heard the music of love in her voice and thought...My Mummys heart is singing to me....and she walked into her Mummys hands..... The ramp went up and Amber Floratina walked away from the lorry .....and in her ears the calls of her friends rang out...... Byeee.....Byeeee....See you at the SHOW.... Amber Floratina called back ....her voice trembling on the air.... Byeee....Byeeee. .....See you at the SHOW..... On went the lorry...carrying the Sick Note Travellers... She looked so happy with her New Mummy.....sniffed Estrella.....So Happy... She wriggled her body, trying to straighten her black coat.... Soon ....Soon....I will see my New Mummy. She rubbed her white star and the stripe down her nose on her clean it as much as possible..... I wish I was just coming home from a real SHOW ....she said to Ishmael..... Then I would be clean and shiny. And my coat would be like black velvet. My tail would stream out behind me and my mane would be braided.....I would look wonderful for my New Mummy......instead I am all streaky with sweat and my coat is rough and dull. Ishmael looked at Estrella......he knew she was right....none of them looked their best. He thought for a moment....and suddenly he began to sing.... Shell be coming round the Mountain When she comes. Shell be coming round the Mountain When she comes Shell be coming round the Mountain, coming round the Mountain, coming round the Mountain When she comes.... Shell be wearing Bright Red Ribbons when she comes And the sweet voice of Ishmael listed all the things that Estrella wanted in his song. Estrella laughed to hear about the red ribbons, the pink rug and the shiny coat of black velvet. I will imagine I am beautiful for my New Mummy she said....and she felt happy inside for the first time.... The lorry slowed and pulled to a stop. The ramp was lowered and Estrella stretched her neck to see over the partition Look Estrella.....there she is ...your New Mummy.....said Ishmael. Estrella tottered down the ramp on stiff legs.....but her eyes were glued to her New Mummy...... Estrella felt the magic start....just a the Dragons said it would....she walked away from the lorry and into a new life to the echoes of...... Byeeee.....Byeeeee.....See you at the SHOW..... The day turned slowly to nighttime as the lorry drove on. There was lots of traffic....the headlights lit up the sky ahead. Our travellers were weary and only wanted to lorry to stop and let them off. Ishmael looked out and saw some very big lights....they lit up a whole field...he thought. I wonder why they light up the fields at night? He asked the other horses.....but no-one knew the answer. Ishmael watched and under the lights he saw Men People running with a ball....kicking it high in the sky...dodging this way and that.... Ishmael suddenly realised that he was watching his first Football exciting and he watched he could practise in his new HOME and show his New Mummy his tricky moves. Ishmael didnt worry about his dirty golden coat or his tangled mane because he had learnt something really important during his travelling....he had found out that he was Brave..... The lorry bumped over gravel and stopped with a lurch... The ramp was lowered and Ishmael looked out into the night...his eyes blinking in the glare of the headlights.....he could just see some People. A woman came forward.....she was looking at him.....she spoke with levelness and calm.....but Ishmael could feel her emotion tremble through the air....she tried to hide her feelings from the other People....but he could feel her heart expanding with love for him. His New Mummy tried to hide her feelings but he saw straight into her warm heart and he made himself at home there....making the love grow until it wrapped him like a warm blanket.....he walked with her into his future ....following him came the call...... Byeee....Byeeee....See you at the SHOW...... There were only Iona and Grace left on the lorry......they talked of saying goodbye to their friends.....they wished them well. They felt a little sad ....and it was sad....they had travelled a long way together....perhaps they would never see each other again....but there was always the SHOW......they just might go to the SHOW....they prayed together that they would get the chance to go to the SHOW...... They remembered how Ishmael cheered them up with his singing.......Grace started to sing Little donkey Little donkey, little donkey On the dusty road Got to keep on plodding onwards With your precious load. Been a long time, little donkey Through the winter’s night Don’t give up now, little donkey Bethlehem’s in sight. Chorus Ring out those bells tonight Bethlehem, Bethlehem Follow that star tonight Bethlehem, Bethlehem. Little donkey, little donkey Had a heavy day Little donkey Carry Mary safely on her way. Little donkey, little donkey On the dusty road There are wise men waiting for a Sign to bring them here. Do not falter, little donkey There’s a star ahead It will guide you, little donkey To a cattle shed. Chorus Ring out those bells tonight Bethlehem, Bethlehem Follow that star tonight Bethlehem, Bethlehem ......and so they amused themselves as the evening drew was getting late when the lorry began to slow stopped and the ramp went down.... The Man People took the lead rope and led Iona ....on wobbly legs slowly down the ramp....he spoke softly in his low voice to her.....she stumbled a little and then ....she was with her New happened so fast...she couldnt take it in.... Her New Mummy was crying and....laughing all at the same time....her New Mummy was saying ...Come we have your friends here to see you....and Iona was overcome with shyness......she peeked at her Mummy and saw the Glow of Welcome around her.....she stepped into the Glow and didnt look back.....the warmth of Love was overwhelming and as she walked away.....the call from Grace rang out over the fields and stables........ Byeeee......Byeeeee......See you at the SHOW...... The ramp was raised and the lorry moved off into the carried only one more horse....the horse who carried secrets and the Message of Christmas.... of the Three Graces......a Special young horse.....the echoes of Byeee....Byeeee....See you at the SHOW rang in her ears....and she hummed to her self to pass the time..... Come they told me, pa rum pum pum pum A new born King to see, pa rum pum pum pum Our finest gifts we bring, pa rum pum pum pum To lay before the King, pa rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum, So to honor Him, pa rum pum pum pum, When we come. Little Baby, pa rum pum pum pum I am a poor boy too, pa rum pum pum pum I have no gift to bring, pa rum pum pum pum Thats fit to give the King, pa rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum, Shall I play for you, pa rum pum pum pum, On my drum? Mary nodded, pa rum pum pum pum The ox and lamb kept time, pa rum pum pum pum I played my drum for Him, pa rum pum pum pum I played my best for Him, pa rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum, rum pum pum pum, Then He smiled at me, pa rum pum pum pum Me and my drum. .....and she travelled on .....the last of the Sick Note Travellers.....
Posted on: Sat, 13 Dec 2014 19:52:38 +0000

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