People are all riled up due to media reports & Chinese whispers. - TopicsExpress


People are all riled up due to media reports & Chinese whispers. If everyone judged by what they actually see & encounter it probably will be nowhere near as many people who hate. Why do people get so upset by other people following their customs & traditions when it does not effect them in any way? e.g Those who wear traditional clothes why does it bother people so much? The majority choose to wear them, Ive met people in families where some do & some dont. Celebrating Christmas is everyones choice whether they do or dont, it doesnt effect you if you dont. When my children were in primary school they also went to Greek school in the afternoon it did not effect anyone except maybe their friends parents when their kids begged to go to Greek school but that is no different from kids asking their parents to play a sport or do dance because their friends do it. Children are the perfect teachers they except everyone for who they are (until they are tainted by others). Every family have their way of doing things that is their traditions, children learn by interaction at school or visiting friends homes how they do things the same or differently & they except that that is who they are. Next time you come across something you dont like about someone stop & think does this really effect me? this is who this person is I may not like or agree with them but I except that is who they are.
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 00:10:27 +0000

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