People ask me how I come up with story ideas (particularly when - TopicsExpress


People ask me how I come up with story ideas (particularly when they realize I write a story every month). Mainly, I come up with characters first or a single situation, and then the story flows from there. My brain does this thing where it thinks of one thing and then that thought leads to another and another and another ... an endless chain of What-Ifs? that lead to a final answer and voilà, a story idea is born. :) Today in the shower, this happened: I saw a hairbrush there. I noticed there was a lot of blond hair in it, which told me it was used by my daughter. That made me think of the daughter thats not home now, because her hair was not in the brush. Then I had a flash of memory when I told her to clean her hairbrush out and she pretended to get all in my face about it, where she comes into my space and says, What, what, watchyou gonna do about it, which she thinks is hilarious, and I usually respond by just completely ignoring her or shutting down because if I respond in kind then it turns into this hilarious chest/belly bumping competition that makes my boobs hurt; so then I thought, What if there was a kid who shut down like that, whenever things got too weird for him or whatever? and I pictured this kid just shutting down like a robot getting his power shut off, and I imagined the people around him whod think he was weird and would want to know why he was going it, and eventually someone would ask him and hed say his friend taught him, which would make no sense to anyone, and then one person who cared to ask more questions or get to know him would realize that he loves Star Wars especially that scene where C3PO shuts down completely and boom, theyd get him and why he does that. And then I remembered that I have a short story to write for The Telepath Chronicles, and I thought, Hey! Ill use that kid as the main character for that book! BOOM. So now I have an MC or a very interesting side character for my next book. -- And yes, I might be a little bit crazy.
Posted on: Mon, 15 Sep 2014 10:30:50 +0000

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