People assume saudi arabia is dar ul islam (Islamic state) just - TopicsExpress


People assume saudi arabia is dar ul islam (Islamic state) just because the haraamain are there but this has no evidence it is based on an emotional argument least we forget the quraish mushrikeen once held authority over the kaabah and were custodians of it yet shirk was present in makkah and madinah Saudi Arabia has passed many kufr laws such as allowing riba, making it a crime for a saudi woman to marry a non saudi man, putting age limits on when one can marry with consent ( 18) and other laws .For a state to be Islamic, it must base its constitution, laws, structure, foreign relations, as well as solve its problems on the basis of the Islamic ‘Aqeedah. If a state does not rule by Islamic laws or imports rule from a non-Islamic basis in any sphere of its affairs, it is not Islamic state
Posted on: Sun, 25 May 2014 08:11:56 +0000

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