...People dont mind as long as Ebola is in certain countries or - TopicsExpress


...People dont mind as long as Ebola is in certain countries or on certain continents, thats a manageable concept... https://youtube/watch?v=HdnC_a-AR9k&index=5&list=UUswH8ovgUp5Bdg-0_JTYFNw The Ebola crisis EXPOSES OUR INDIVIDUALISM AND OUR SELFISHNESS both as a nation and the way we just think in terms of JUST PROTECTING OURSELVES AND THOSE NEAREST TO US.... Ebola has been around for years but because it was in Africa and not affecting white people there was no drug developed... now suddenly the white people are getting Ebola and their like oh theres a crisis suddenly, no theres been a crisis for years it just wasnt hitting white people in Texas https://youtube/watch?v=3C2nkGiVytQ&index=2&list=UUswH8ovgUp5Bdg-0_JTYFNw WE ARE SO PRIVILEGED AND IGNORANT! It disgusts me that only now is Ebola a serious problem that we want to tackle, a few months back it was enough to be oohing and ahhing watching the news reports of people dying in West Africa, but now we can start panicking about it???!!... REALLYYYY?!!! ARE YOU FOR REAL???!!!!! And what riles me up even further are people saying things like Ebola isnt even going to be a big deal here because we live in the west and we have better heath care... thinking that they are saying something smart, and they are superior in some way because theyve not given in to the scare tactics that the media is using to to influence the way we in which we reason... PLEASE SHUT UP!!! LIKE, SERIOUSLY, CLOSE YOUR MOUTH!! As my mother would say REMOVE YOURSELF FROM HERE!!!!!!!! Really, consider what you have just said... do you realise how selfish that is??? Do you realise how sick that line of thought is?? YES, that may infact be the case, but people have been dying in West Africa for months and you never thought to say, maybe since we have superior health care we should help them out... nooo, instead we were all telling each other not to worry because Ebola was never going to come here. Living amongst such people makes me feel sooo sick. And if any of this describes you then please learn to consider someone other than yourself. Rant over....
Posted on: Mon, 13 Oct 2014 11:46:51 +0000

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