People have short memories when it comes to the barbarism of - TopicsExpress


People have short memories when it comes to the barbarism of beheadings. What about the beheading of St. John the Baptist? What about the crusades. What about the Inquisition? What about the Guilitines just a few centuries ago? What about what they did to the Indigenous people in North America? Cut off Wampanoag Chiefs head and then hung it on a stake for all to see. What about the mascacre of the Indigenous People of North and South America, what about the Transatlantic slave trade??? What about the rage across Africa in the name of Islam? No culture is innocent of these atrosities. Check out the true story of Thanksgiving ( Following an especially successful raid against the Pequot in what is now Stamford, Connecticut, the churches announced a second day of thanksgiving to celebrate victory over the heathen savages. During the feasting, the hacked off heads of Natives were kicked through the streets like soccer balls. Even the friendly Wampanoag did not escape the madness. Their chief was beheaded, and his head impaled on a pole in Plymouth, Massachusetts -- where it remained on display for 24 years. When I was in school and we studied world history, we were told that the several ethnic tribes out of Europe where called barbarians due to the belief they were uncivilized. The present day word barbar is a derivative. Barbershops are a rendition of what they were referring to, instead of cutting off heads, they cut off hair! I am not condoning any of this type of thing no matter who does it, but what I have a hard time with is how quickly people will demonize another when their own Ancestors did the same thing!! And all in the name of religion!! More people have been killed as a result of fanatics in all religions. No religion is better than any other when it comes to the fanatics who take it and wreak havoc!
Posted on: Fri, 26 Sep 2014 21:39:50 +0000

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Kataki kau add fieiilo mai cos i knw yall trying to see my

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