People need to start voting on IDEAS and not on people. What is - TopicsExpress


People need to start voting on IDEAS and not on people. What is the point in voting when you are voting for someone that is more concerned with winning the election then they are on keeping their promises that they tell you just to win? One side of the argument is that if you don’t vote then you have no right to complain about the system, the other side of the argument is that if you do vote you are legitimizing a corrupt system that doesn’t work. Einstein’s definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Why is it that in 2014 we cannot vote online? Now if you are thinking it’s not secure and can be “hacked” or “manipulated” to change votes, then I ask you, is it any less secure then going online and putting in your banking information for online banking or putting in you Social Insurance number to fill out an unemployment claim on a government website? It’s crazy when you think that voter turnout in the most recent election, at 61.4%, was the third lowest in Canadian history. People don’t vote for many reasons but a big one is that they don’t have time to go to the voting stations or don’t want to make the effort. How many more Canadians would vote if while you are online you sign in to a website put in your info and vote, takes 2 mins and it’s ridiculous that in 2014 we still cannot do this online. Nobody has all the answers but we will never have the answer if you don’t question what is going on and open your eyes.
Posted on: Tue, 04 Mar 2014 22:40:52 +0000

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