People talk about needing to have a revolution... What about an - TopicsExpress


People talk about needing to have a revolution... What about an evolution? There is no need to mention the past civilizations that have risen and fallen through the ages..they were all different but the story is always the same: There is a continuous cycle that happens. Lets start where we are at currently- Oppression by one group(ruling class) due to a thought of supremacy over another group. RICH vs POOR. The ruling class rules and eventually decides that some of the another beings are less than them, even though they know this is not truth...making slaves or what they call the use of these beings. This has happened to EVERY ancestral being on this planet, no matter what these HIS-story books tell you. Even the ruling class of todays ancestors were once slaves, but they didnt want that to be part of their history. It undermines authority when claiming to be supreme. So they burned/destroyed most of the proof of their past truths (libraries, ancient texts & scrolls, artifacts, etc) and re-wrote the past where they could. Its true that the victors decide the tale to tell when the war is done, even if inaccurate. But what they couldnt erase, was the true knowledge which is not held in books or writings, but in DNA.---this is the purpose of multi-level programming(TV, schooling, belief systems, etc) use of other additives in vaccines and the manipulation of food (thru chemicals, gmos, adding fluoride to water, etc). But I digress... An upheaval and rebellion against the ruling group ensues. A victory of the rebelling group happens and power eventually shifts. The good guys win...or so we think. Eventually corruption and a familiar sense of supremacy falls over the new ruling class. That same group whom originally sought freedom from oppression in the first place forgets who they were (universal principles & ancestral knowledge aka knowledge of Self) and becomes the new oppressive ruling class. This creates and spawns a new group of individuals being oppressed by this new corrupt ruling group. They rebel & the cycle continues. A tale as old as time. There has not been any civilization in existence that has evolved past this hateful cycle, even when they learn the secrets of the universe. And in rare circumstances, if they do some how evolve and survive (for example, the Aborigines) that same ruling class tries to eradicate that bloodline in hopes the knowledge of those secrets are erased from the General knowledge of those beings. The proof is all around you. We have seen it time and time again without new result. The faces change but the game remains the same. Evil exists not in this world, but in the hearts & minds of the individual. The only way to change the world is to change ourselves by changing our thinking. Some ppl wont get it, I innerstand why. Distractions are plentiful & Cognitive dissonance is apart of the programming they install in individuals from birth to ensure the refusal of acceptance of unapproved information. Its not for everyone to innerstand. Evolution is a personal process. For some, evolution is impossible due the refusal to transcend past you current situation/mindset. This is a coping mechanism. We are only dividing & conquering ourselves. Separation was the plan... and the evils (Hate/Fear/Ignorance/Oppression/Greed/Distortion of Knowledge) are winning. We can break the cycle or be broken by it. Will you contribute to the evil or the evolution? The choice is yours. Be well loves.
Posted on: Wed, 27 Aug 2014 14:05:25 +0000

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