People think racism is only against African Americans but racism - TopicsExpress


People think racism is only against African Americans but racism truly has no color it existed before slavery and there is no end in sight. People act out of violence to try and solve racism issues. Peaceful protest in my eyes is the best option. Get your point across with the least amount of physical confrontations as possible. Stand your ground let the world here your beliefs. I believe the world would be more willing to come together in peace protest than violence. Spread this video. I hate when the little people get picked on. Why do people have to do this? To feel like they are in charge? Or they feel like they deserve the right to do whatever it is because of what there people/culture went through in the past? (My opionion) WRONG you do not deserve to beat on anyone regardless of your ancestors, first off you personally did not go through it. Yes it sucks and I do not wish slavery or mass religious or race murders or anything of the sort, but by withholding all the anger and resentment the world cannot move forward as a whole. Yes its horrible but turn that anger into love and joy . Like I said peaceful protest. So how about (I will use slavery African Americans vs Caucasians) so yes slavery of African Americans by white people was horrible murders. Lack of sleep, food, free will... etc. But release that turn that into love they say the best way to get revenge is with a smile. So show that the past has made you better physically and mentally volunteer or just give a helping hand to anybody in need. . Just bring a smile to people not tears and frowns. Yes negative actions make bigger impacts but we forget how much good deeds mean to the ones in need. So help when you get a chance. And remember DONT POST YOUR F***ING GOOD DEEDS ON THE INTERNET/SOCIAL MEDIA it shows that you want attention/praise and acknowledgement. Do it for yourself or in memory of a love one credit is not deserved it is earned. And it doesnt have to be told to the world. Do it to make yourself feel better by making other peoples lives a little easier. I know I strayed from the point so basically lets help this kid out and find these WORTHLESS PIECES OF SCUM (my opionion once again) no one deserves to be bully . The worst person in the situation is the camera person. Dont be a bystander by just standing there especially if you are gratifying the two scum bags to continue beating the kid. Stop being shit bags and help each other out, because at the end of the day we are all American. We are all humans. PLEASE SHOW LOVE NOT HATE. if you read all of my Rambling. Thank you I to was a bystander in certain situations but I learned to stand up. think of it like this. Would you want this situation to happen to yourself or someone you love with all you got. (Child, spouse, family, friends) and if you do. Then please get yourself checked out. If you do not have a friend/family. I will be there for you I will be the friend or brother you need just CALL ON ME WHEN YOUR NOT STRONG. And I will be there. Thank you for your time. Please show courage and love!!. share if you agree and would like to. If you want credit for all of this erase my name I do not want credit just expressing my opionions
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 22:31:22 +0000

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