#Perfect Thanksgiving: There is a perfect way of giving thanks - TopicsExpress


#Perfect Thanksgiving: There is a perfect way of giving thanks to God more excellently. Most thanksgiving people operate in today are carnal and fleshly ruled. They thank God at the result of what they could see and feel. When people thank God based on what they can hear, taste, smell, feel and see through the senses, God is not really touched. Thanking God should not be based on the seen or physical realm. Perfect thanksgiving to God should come from the revelation of Gods word. Perfect thanksgiving giving should be based on the unseen realm for the things which are seen are not made of things which do appear ( Hebrew 11:3). It is the spiritual that controls the physical world. You see, God is a spirit. He lives and operates in the spiritual( unseen) realm. Now, if what you can thank God for is from the seen realm (all that you can perceive through your five senses), such is not genuine to God, its not real to Him. The unseen realm is more real to God. The bible established it that things which are seen are temporal while things which are not seen are eternal (2 Cor 4:18). So, why should you thank God based on temporal things? I pray you understand this thing am sharing with you. Its kinda deep..... The body of Christ has to be educated in the things of the spirit. Many times I see believers thanking God from their experiences. They say, Thank you lord for the food we eat, our shelter, health, our going in and coming in, sleeping and waking, daily protection. They give thanks by thinking of all they have seen God do in their life through their 5 senses. Well, thats sounds very emotional. Its not bad but its inadequate, imperfect and not so much real to God. No wonder Jesus proclaimed expressly, The hour is come when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in SPIRIT and in TRUTH: for the father seeks( Gr; Zeteo- craves, demands) such to worship him. For God is a Spirit..... ( John 4:23-24). Mine oh my! Did you get that? I think its high time you upgraded your form of thanksgiving to God. I believe worshiping God in SPIRIT and TRUTH refers to what I call the word thanksgiving. I mean thanking God based on his word. The word of God is the realm God lives in. His word is more real to him than whatever you might have experienced or going through in this life. Instead of LOOKING around for what you think God has done or yet to do, why dont you focus on his word? Why dont you lift up your eyes to his spoken word and promises over your life and say thank you lord. Why not begin to see through the eyes of faith and begin to worship him? The word of God is the key. What has God said concerning your life? Thats just enough for thanksgiving. It makes no difference if you have experienced it or seen yet or not. When you begin to say thank you Father for your Holy written word. Thank you father for you have made my life so beautiful, thanks because I always win in this life, thank you because am a success and highly favoured through the ability of your word. Thank you because as He (Jesus) is, so am I in this world (1 John 4:17). Thank you for making me born again. Thank you father, for your word says am blessed. Your words says am so rich and prosperous. Your word says I was healed. Thank you father because I can never lack anything good again, I dont get broke in life, I dont get sick, I dont need to be sick anymore, I live in perfect peace, you have made me a world Overcomer through the power of your word. Now thanks be to God who always cause/ lead us to triumph in Christ (2 Cor 2:14). Thank you father, for your word is always yes and Amen. You have exalted your words above your name. Thank you lord for your word never fails..... Hallelujah! Glory to God!!! This is the perfect Thanksgiving. God is delighted and glorified in this. You see, thanking God this way means you have become one with Gods word. It means the word of God is now your through life and identification. You now have your entire being from the spoken word of God. It means the word of God has become your true self and had gained the centre stage over your life. Here is God glorified! Thank God for, in, by his word!!! Like page @ facebook/leumasword
Posted on: Tue, 14 Oct 2014 06:30:59 +0000

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