Pernicious and Harmful Hoax of AGW Dr William M Gray, - TopicsExpress


Pernicious and Harmful Hoax of AGW Dr William M Gray, Professor Emeritus, Department of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State University has prepared a paper for the Heartland Institute’s 7th International Conference on Climate Change He closes the paper with the following: (my bolds) 7. Negative Consequences of Politics Trumping Climate Science Until the basic scientific flaws in the AGW theory are recognized and broadly accepted (as they eventually will have to be) it will not be possible for the scientific community and society to put this pernicious and harmful hoax to rest. The wide acceptance of this theory has had a profound negative influence on the US and the world. AGW’s basic scientific flaws must be made known as soon as possible so that the public can be made aware as to the fallacy of this hypothesis. This will help reduce the current economic, political, and psychological harm which is occurring around the globe due to AGW’s unrealistic warming propaganda and prevent greater harm in future years. The AGW climate scare of the last 30 years did not come to the forefront from individual scientists beginning to coalesce around the idea that rising levels of CO2 might pose a serious future climate threat to society. This threat was, by contrast, imposed upon the world from ‘above’ by the coming together of globally influential politicians, environmentalists, internationalists, etc. who knew little about climate but saw great political opportunities by using the rising CO2 levels as a scare tactic in order to exercise control over them. People respond best out of fear. But lasting response to fear must have a firm basis in truth. The AGW scare does not. Had I not spent my whole career (of nearly 60 years) in the meteorology-climate area and knew about AGW only from what I read or heard from the mainstream media, I may have been susceptible to accepting much of the AGW propaganda. This is why so many talented scientists from other fields have been unconsciously sucked into the wide orbit of AGW believers. Very few individuals have the long and broad ranging technical background in meteorology-climate to be able to well understand and attack the basic flaws of the AGW hypothesis. This is why so many of the world’s scientific societies and governments have been brainwashed into accepting AGW’s erroneous beliefs. The warnings of President Eisenhower of the capture of overwhelming government support by an elite industrial-military complex are now being realized. But in this more recent version it is our country’s global warming – environmental – world government elites who have captured our country’s overwhelming government support for AGW funding and society intervention. The just published book by Senator James Inhofe titled “The Greatest Hoax” gives much information on the recent political history of the take-over of society by those advocating world government. I have absolutely no doubt that the AGW hypothesis will become fully discredited within the next decade or so. A doubling of CO2 near the end of the 21st century should, by itself, only bring about a global warming of about 0.3°C or only about one-tenth of the ~3°C global warming projected by nearly all of the GCM models. America’s economic growth and its confidence in the future will be greatly enhanced when the false dangers of the AGW hypothesis threat have been fully exposed and put behind us. America independence requires that we avoid the controlling tentacles of world government based on an unrealistic fear of human-induced climate degradation. Our Federal Government’s current AGW beliefs and its massive funding to promote this agenda should be terminated. Labels: AGW hoax, CO2, Colorado State University, Heartland Institute, James Inhofe, The Greatest Hoax, William M Gray
Posted on: Sun, 23 Feb 2014 22:42:56 +0000

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