Pet City Love the Mystery Man in town Chapter Five As you recall - TopicsExpress


Pet City Love the Mystery Man in town Chapter Five As you recall the daek man was hiding in a tree in AppleBerrys and Tristans. And after they finally both settled back to sleep again another open window and foot prints led to the sleeping couples stairs. A dark figure quietly stood still staring up at the rooms in th littole home. At the same time the boys came riding up on Fred Harleys Bug and other animals as to be quiet and they swore they saw someone standing some shadow at Tristans house. Dismounted they quietly surrounded the house and at that time Jonathan rode up on Maggie Bellas bug and after securing her in hiding he came over and filled So Fo in on what the law said about what they were doing they were convinced the intruder was out of the area and pulling out without any help for the boys if needed. Not knowing if Tristans cell phone rang loud or not Harley climbed up quietly on a tree and could look in and yes there he was an open window and when the curtains blew he clearly saw the shadowed man as he pulled something out of his pocket and disappeared up the stairs. Harley had wnough. He felt his friends were in danger and the boys needed to rush as they planned from the top in both doors and one outside a call went out to Pye to alert Juno and her karate pet class it was time to surround the house and go. Harley hit his sound button he had on his phone and hit Tristans number which did ring and the boys rushed the house Harley swung in the window Jon had gone around on the roof and entered the window upstairs by breaking it and found himself right behind a tall man covered in bladk with a ski mask as Tristan held Apple Berry crying she was due with the baby any day and the man swung around pets were running in the house everywhere Jon got his taser and gave the guy a good hit cops called and Pye and Juno Giggler lites Willow everyone came to protect their friends and town. Taser hits on the man were many and he was down but not out he was shouting how he would get even and they would be sorry and he would not stop till he got what he wanted. Juno stood behind the boys and Giggler Pye and Willow showed cops where to go and the man jumped the boys in front knocking them down and the pets and intruder had verbal exchanges and Rusty took a lamp cord and tied his hands. Ask what he wanted he gave no response. The little house was a mess and the girls helped Pye take AppleBerry to Gigglers and she called the doctor. The girls decided to take her to be checked to be careful and as the dark figures mask was removed by the cops the pets gasped in horror. I thought I thought said Jonathan So Fo said what are you doing here and the Prince stood looking as mad as Bella had ever seen him she had helped Juno as she was in the class just had started. Clearly they knew him. And they knew what he was after. Everyone helped Tristan clean his home and then he went to AppleBerry who started having small contractions. No one stayed at the house that nite. Harley informed his security as did the men pet of town to escort all the girls home and secure homes stay with their families and take the animals home stall them and wait for further news. But they were to stand guard over the town and the guys got their bikes and cars and in groups of two started going up and down streets alleys and Rusty Harley and So Fo went to the station where the man was held and were told that they would hold him seventy two hours and then hi would probably make bail. The boys knew him they knew why he was stalking the town but that was not what they ask him what they ask shocked even the police chief. After telling the chief they were helping capture and keep in jail this man they turned Rusty ask okay you we want to know where the rest are. The chief realized why the concern that they were so upset that they only caught him. There were more. The boys gathered and no answer. So Fo tried jumping him and was told he would be arrested if he tried again. So Fo just said you would help if you knew what he did. The chief demanded to know the story, No answer. Rusty had been cut and so had Jon they said that some things had to be done before they said anything. The man laughed saying they thought they could stop them. Then he said you thought we were dead and laughee again and the boys startd in on him and were escoerws our of the station. They agreed to meet early the next morning lets not tell the girls anymore than we have too right now and all agreed. So Fo agreed to go get the marshall who worked the case long ago in the next township. All returned to protect their loved ones. The school closed for now . Harley said I thought they were dead or in prison somewhere. Me too said Jon. Well anyone need hospital Nope. Okay tomorrow They split up numbers of the girls to call and the town went quiet for the rest of th nite or so they thought.
Posted on: Sat, 08 Mar 2014 07:02:21 +0000

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