Petula Clark talks to Deany Judd (Daily Telegraph) about her best - TopicsExpress


Petula Clark talks to Deany Judd (Daily Telegraph) about her best and worst holidays. Which was your best holiday? I don’t think my childhood holidays to Cornwall have been beaten. The preparations to get there, deciding what we were taking with us, packing the car up and the journey itself were in many ways as exciting as the holiday. Those were the days when Cornwall was Cornwall; it wasn’t too crowded. Arriving there was divine. We stayed at Droskyn Castle, which was on the beach. The beach was enormous with huge waves and horse rides; we had great walks on the cliffs with the dogs and cream teas, it was all pretty magical. I would love it if my grandchildren could experience a holiday like that. And the best hotel you’ve stayed in? The Ritz-Carlton in Pasadena, California. I was booked in for a week a few years ago when I was doing a show. Perhaps it was just a moment when I was happy but I remember it had the most amazing gardens with beautiful old trees. I had my breakfast on the balcony every morning and it was just lovely. What do you need for a perfect holiday? I’m very good at being on my own and so I don’t need to be surrounded by people. I like to read and swim in the sea but I’m very good at doing very little. I like skiing in the winter. We have a chalet in the French Alps and go there as often as we can. It’s as lovely in the summer as it is in the winter – very Sound of Music. What do you always take with you? I’m surrounded by music all the time and so I never take an iPod on holiday with me – I believe silence is very underrated. I have favourite shampoos and creams that I have to have and always seem to take potions and lotions that I don’t need – it’s a woman thing, but I do like my room to smell like me so I spray perfume and take candles. What’s your best piece of travel advice? Stay cool and focus on the end result – there’s no point getting worked up, it won’t change anything. Travel used to be fun but it’s now just something you have to get though without losing your temper. Where do you want to go next? I have a yearning to visit St Petersburg, which would be a different kind of holiday for me, but I’ll make time for that soon. I was working in Italy recently and had forgotten how beautiful it is so I’ll go back there and reacquaint myself with it. …and disasters Which was your worst holiday? We had a rotten time in Bermuda a few years ago, which wasn’t Bermuda’s fault. It was a family holiday, which can be tricky because there’s always someone who would rather be somewhere else or even with someone else. We arrived at the tail end of a hurricane and it just rained permanently. If you’re in the Lake District and it rains, it doesn’t matter, but in Bermuda it mattered and we couldn’t do anything. Fortunately it was only a week’s holiday but, believe me, it felt a whole lot longer. And your worst experience on holiday? Again on a family holiday – we rented a house in Marrakesh. I was working and caught a later flight, arriving at 1am. The taxi dropped me at this house, which was in total darkness. I rang and rang the bell until eventually my daughter dragged herself to the door. It turned out all of them had a sickness bug that they must have picked up on the plane. I spent days driving round Marrakesh getting doctors and medicine, trying to get the family back on their feet again. It hasn’t put me off Marrakesh, I still love it. What’s the biggest packing mistake you’ve made? My luggage has been lost on several occasions, which of course isn’t news these days, but when you do my job it’s a disaster. I’m an expert packer: I do it very quickly and run through a mental checklist of what I need. I no longer pack anything that comes under the heading of “You Never Know”, I’ve learnt life is more casual these days and it really doesn’t matter what you wear. Which is the worst hotel you’ve stayed in? Not long ago we booked into a hotel in Ohio where a teenage youth group on some kind of adventure break were staying. The noise was awful, made worse by the design of the place, which for some reason had the swimming pool situated just off the reception area so you could hear the teenagers in the pool all over the hotel. Thankfully, I was working and it was just a stopover. What do you avoid on holidays? Apart from noisy swimming pools, I try to avoid newspapers. I try to get away from everything when I’m on holiday. I switch on the TV news from time to time and check into the world but I check back out again very quickly. I like to rest my spirits too, and I get anguished about current affairs. I like to find a corner away from everybody, read and just be. What do you hate about holidays? I’m not an early riser and I like to have my breakfast at about 11 o’clock. This means that I’m out of sync with the rest of world, but when I’m on holiday it can be problematic, not many hotels serve breakfast until 11am.
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 22:38:03 +0000

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