Physics Group Splinters Over Global Warming Review As the science - TopicsExpress


Physics Group Splinters Over Global Warming Review As the science scandal known as ClimateGate grows, the largest U.S. physicists association is finding itself roiled by internal dissent and allegations of conflict of interest over a forthcoming review of its position statement on man-made global warming. The scientist who will head the American Physical Societys review of its 2007 statement calling for immediate reductions of carbon dioxide is Princetons Robert Socolow, a prominent supporter of the link between CO2 and global warming who has warned of possible catastrophic consequences of climate change. Socolows research institute at Princeton has received well over $20 million in grants dealing with climate change and carbon reduction, plus an additional $2 million a year from BP and still more from the federal government. In an interview published by Princetons public relations office, Socolow called CO2 a climate problem that governments need to address. It is Socolow whose entire research funding stream, well over a million dollars a year, depends on continued alarm over global warming, says William Happer, a fellow Princeton University professor and head of the Happer physics lab who has raised the question of a conflict of interest. The reason: the ostensibly neutral person charged with evaluating a statement endorsing man-made global warming is a leading proponent of precisely that theory whose funding is tied to that theory. As previously reported by CBSNews, Happer and other members of the APS have been urging the society to take a second look at the 2007 statement, which claims the evidence for the CO2-global warming link is incontrovertible and we must reduce emissions of greenhouse gases beginning now. Their letter circulated last month says: By now everyone has heard of what has come to be known as ClimateGate, which was and is an international scientific fraud, the worst any of us have seen... We have asked the APS management to put the 2007 statement on ice until the extent to which it is tainted can be determined, but that has not been done. Neither the current APS president, Harvards Cherry Murray, nor its incoming president, Princetons Curtis Callan, replied to questions on Thursday, and Socolow could not be reached for comment. The APS leadership has chosen not to withdraw its statement but has authorized a limited review of the languages clarity and tone -- although that was announced before the embarrassing leak from the University of East Anglias Climatic Research Unit occurred. Hal Lewis, a professor emeritus of physics at the University of California, Santa Barbara who has been an APS member for 65 years, says that he asked both the current and incoming APS presidents to require that Socolow recuse himself from a review of this subject, and both refused. That means the review will be chaired by a guy who is hip deep in conflicts of interest, running a million-dollar program that is utterly dependent on global warming funding, Lewis says. In addition, he points out that the group charged with taking a second look at the 2007 statement, the Panel on Public Affairs, is the same body that drafted it in the first place. That, too has a smell of people investigating themselves, Lewis says. cbsnews/news/physics-group-splinters-over-global-warming-review/
Posted on: Thu, 01 Jan 2015 00:42:20 +0000

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