✫✫✫ Pick A Card - Any Card! One Free Card Reading RESULTS & - TopicsExpress


✫✫✫ Pick A Card - Any Card! One Free Card Reading RESULTS & Affirmation ✫✫✫ ****** PLEASE NOTE : These were done as a general card reading for anybody who chose or were called to that specific card. This does not go into detail about a situation you may be currently facing or answer a specific question you may have asked, if you would like that sort of reading then please check out my shop! Flower Therapy (Card To Left): The message that the Flower Therapy card held for those of you who were called towards it is that all you need to have is “Patience!” because your prayers, your manifestations and affirmations have all been heard and they are in the process of being answered and showing their results to you! However, you may be in need to clear out some old emotions, have you been feeling anger or resentment to someone? Have you been feeling guilty about something? It is time to release any negative feelings towards yourself or others that you may have, you have learned from the situation or from the person and it no longer has a hold on you; you are free and ready for the divine gifts that are coming your way! Open yourself to receive because all of the blessings you have been looking for are coming to you, as well as others you haven’t even thought about! Affirmation for those of you who chose the Flower Therapy Card: “I am thankful for the spiritual, material and emotional abundance that is coming to me now. I release all negativity and pain from my life so I am open to receiving positive abundance at this time.” Angels of Atlantis (Center Card): The message that the Angels of Atlantis card held for those of you who were called towards it is the message of “Mercy” which is represented by Archangel Metatron. In this card, we have a King who is touch the head of a man who is holding a golden book, the man is kneeling before the King and we can infer that the gold book must be a form of sacred text, perhaps the man was confessing something to the King who is holding a small but kind smile upon his face. This card of “Mercy” comes to you as a sign to be merciful! Be merciful to others who you feel have wronged you and be merciful to yourself, everything in your life has happened for a reason or is happening for a reason, do not blame yourself for every situation that does not go exactly as planned. These situations and people are all lessons that you have passed whether you believe it or not! Now the final test for you? “Mercy.” Forgive yourself, forgive others, forgive situations and strengthen your gift of compassion, as you do this, you will prosper in many things which is shown through the diamond that floats above the two in the card. Affirmation for those of you who chose the Angels of Atlantis Card: “I forgive those who have hurt me in any manner, physical, spiritual, emotional, or mentally. I forgive and release any negative emotions they have caused. I forgive any harming or negative situation I have been in and I release all the negative thoughts and emotions that have tormented me. I forgive myself for allowing myself to be in these situations and for taking the blame and allowing myself to be tormented by this. I forgive myself. I love my friends, my family, my enemies, my past situations and myself.” Gypsy Card (Card To The Left): The message that the Gypsy Card held for those of you who were called towards it is the message of “Journey”, this card shows that you will be taking some time off of work or school to take a trip! This trip could be a vacation or it could be a situation (such as a family emergency or even a wedding) that will involve you traveling somewhere. The horses in the card are shown in a running state which shows this will either be happening soon, although it can also be taken as an urgent trip, we must look to the woman sitting in the carriage who is staring out the window but she does not seem uneasy or bothered, instead she is dressed rather nicely. The feeling I am getting from this card is that you will most likely either be taking a trip or attending a wedding! Affirmation for those of you who chose the Gypsy Card: “I will have the right finances to take this trip and there will be nothing wrong with my means of transportation. I will have a good trip that will open my eyes to new paths.”
Posted on: Sat, 11 Oct 2014 03:50:05 +0000

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