Plan for the future thats what I was told when I began my career - TopicsExpress


Plan for the future thats what I was told when I began my career at the refinery. The senior hands all told me if I knew then what I know now, I would have maxed out my retirement they told me to not be a fool, that I should max out so that my future would be financially secured. I believe that the senior employees advice on retirement savings was sound based on what they had lived through. I also think that that basic principle can be used by all workers in our nation when talking about preparing for the future of the middle class. If we look at what our nation has lived through in the past and continue or resurrect the things that worked to boost our economy, where poverty was exceptionally low and families were prosperous, we find that when workers were organized in most industries our middle class was the biggest demographic and our economy was thriving. This is the resurrection that I refer to, resurrect the labor force as it was when the middle class reigned supreme over our nations politics, its people and its economy. Resurrect the labor movement from a time where the 1% did not have 90% of the say, when the people had a voice in government that was heard. I see no excuse that workers will stand there and talk about how they cant live on what they make or they will have to work until they are dead just because they have no say in their futures, they cant put the max away in their retirement because they would starve today. No excuse other than the propaganda that has been spread throughout the nation that if workers stand up for their rights corporations will pull out and leave them worse off than they are now. This mentality of do as your told and take what we are generous enough to give you or we will leave you high and dry is fear mongering at its best! If workers stand up to our government and force laws that protect themselves and trade laws that dont give the upper hand to communist nations that have forced poverty laden workers, we can have a sound future that protects families. Dont fall for the fear that is being spread, instead be the driver of the only thing that our nation has seen in the past 60 years that made our nation the financial leader of the world, ORGANIZED LABOR MOVEMENT! Union Laborers are the safest, most conscientious people I have ever met, they are driven to make their companies the most reliable and profitable in the industry. Together we can bring back the glory days which will give rise to a glorious future!!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 16:53:21 +0000

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