Playing hard to get really doesnt get a person anywhere but STUCK! - TopicsExpress


Playing hard to get really doesnt get a person anywhere but STUCK! So please let me tell you what happened. ... Once upon a time, a girl named Isabel played hard to get. But then one day, she met a genuine server at her favorite restaurant, a man whom she once thought was into her female friend, but then noticed he was always real nice to her son Anthony Medrano. Isabel began to wonder what this mans motives were considering she left him her business card a week ago and he never did call her. Isabel noticed the server always made an effort to come over to her table, smile and engage friendliness with her son and would try to get Isabels eyes attention. Isabel always acted like she didnt care about his interest in her and her son. The man would smile, n want Isabel to smile back, but Isabel would always give back a griddy smile, hiding and running from a long forgotten feeling of love. Isabel went home the first Friday and stayed up all night thinking about this man. She tried to not think too hard, but thought more about what a sweet guy he was, and how hes doing whatever he can to get her attention. That Saturday morning when the sun came up and Isabel was still awake, she took a drive. She began to think of what a wonderful man shes met and how he could be the special one shes been waiting for now over seven years. How she could have someone to talk to, a companion for herself and son. She started to feel so good about this but then realized this man doesnt want a woman with children already, especially as young as he is! Hes also most likely married because all of the good men are taken n married. Isabel lost her chances many years ago in finding a good man for herself she began to realize. She began to tear up while on her drive, and then began to get mad at herself for even thinking shed have a chance with this guy! How dare her to think even for a moment that theres such a chance! And so she drove off and forgotten about this man and got back to reality. That Friday, she went back to the diner, and noticed he wasnt working, however came in while she was eating with her son, shy he seemed, walked through the kitchen, n she never seen him walk back out. Isabel asked a server if he was working that evening, and the server told her that he wasnt. About 45 minutes later, he walks back into Dennys but this time with a cousin or guy friend and walks by, smiles nervously but seems mad sort of. Isabel realized at this point that he must be gay, n not so much interested in her, but that she was confused. That Monday, She began her new semester in college and was very motivated to get back to her school and studies! She happen to notice so may cute guys that morning, yet brought her focus back to looking forward to learning so much this semester! Isabel really hasnt been interested in guys this time around in her life with school being her main focus anyway. After her first class, she noticed a familiar face! Oh no! Could it be.... could it really be this guy from the diner!? Oh what the hell does he want, (gay petafile) is all she could think of. Theres no way this young man is into her, she thought! He glanced at her and tried to see if yet she would be smiling back and interested. But she didnt smile back, and she instead looked away. Hours pass by and Isabel is on her way to her afternoon class when she notices the familiar man standing in front of her class, and she starts to wonder with curiosity about what he is now doing there. Turns out, hes got the same class! Oh great! (Sarcasm) She sits in the front Of the class as she does with all of her classes, and eventually looks back to where he was seated. She notices him but cant see his face, but his friend clearly sees her looking back and gives her a smile as if hes watching something unfold, she has yet to discover. At the end of class, the familiar man nervously says hi to Isabel. She says, Hi, what are you doing, stalker!? With a smile. He looks away, then asks the professor a question before he left the room. The next day, Isabel goes to the diner and notices him working. She realizes she hadnt seen him all day, n maybe he quit school already. He approached her with a nervous smile and asks her if she likes her new class, and that he didnt get in to that class. (Too bad, hed be great on my team-term project). While there at the diner, Isabel studied her chapters in her studies subjects, and while doing so, couldnt help but watch him work. He didnt seem to be his cheery self, and wondered why so. Isabel wrote a quick note for him considering she cant grab his attention while working, nor at school considering she only seen him there once. The note said, his name, Please give me a call. You havent seemed your cheery self, I know I can put a smile on your face. In case you misplaced my business card, heres my number. At the end of the note she wrote, Oh, BTW, I thought you wouldve called me by now. For a while now, Isabel has been wondering what this mans motives have been. If he doesnt call her now, then she knows for sure hes not interested and that theres something else shes unaware of. So Isabel calls him over to her table, n he calls for her server, and Isabel nods no and shakes her hand no, then points back at him and tells him, no, I want you to come here. He then gleems with a huge smile but looks real nervous and talks real soft. She tells him she thought hed want to call her by now but hasnt, and that he doesnt look happy, to call her and shell put a smile on his face. He smiled back and said he definitely will call her. After the short conversation and handing her number to him, she noticed he started to be more himself, a happy, smiling gentleman. When she paid for her dinner, he was there at the register to help close her table out. He seemed to be so happy and relieved of something, and the two of them talked for a while before Isabel eventually had to go. While their short conversation, Isabel learned that hes a continuing Accounting student, coming from Monterey. As Isabel was walking out the door, she told him to make sure he calls or texts, at which time she thought she heard him say, K, I Love You in a soft voice, and before herself and son could make it all the way out the door, her son Anthony says EXTREMELY LOUD AND CLEAR, OH MY GAWD! MOM, DID U HEAR HIM!? Anthony kept repeating what the man said walking away, and Anthony couldnt believe he just said that to his mom! Anthony was embarrassed for the man, but happy to hear a genuin man out there loves his mom, lol. Isabel on the other hand was blown away and tried to brush it off, but her son was there to make SURE she heard it! Isabel was feeling embarrassed for the man, and now wonders if hes ever going to call as she sits here waiting and studying. ~Playing hard to get... it gets you no where~
Posted on: Wed, 20 Aug 2014 05:39:08 +0000

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