Please Let your soul rejoice: Try to read and keep them THE - TopicsExpress


Please Let your soul rejoice: Try to read and keep them THE REGION OF HELL FIRE Preachers these days do not preach about the dangers of HELL anymore. The talk about HELL has been completely cancelled out of the sermons they preach. No one wants to hear anything about HELL! They have caused people to be ignorant, and to deny the fact that there is a place called HELL, prepared for those who disobey God’s Word. The truth of the matter is that, HELL is a place that burns with fire unquenchably. Some have been made to believe that the grave is the end of man and that is all HELL means. Others still believe that the suffering one goes through in his life is what HELL is. What a deception! It is a lie of the devil!! Don’t you believe it!! HELL is real!! It is a region created for the devil, his people and his angels. Traditionally, there is the belief that teaches that when a man dies he has a place to go. Traditions round the world shows that there is life after death. That is why sometimes money is put in coffin of the dead to take on the journey. My sinner friend, I want you to know assuredly that your fine decorated, fleshly body is not “the real you”! “THE REAL YOU “is that which makes the body to move about. If that which makes the body to move, which is your spirit comes out of you, you have the fleshly stump body lying motionless which is taken to be buried. There is no prayer, no enchantment, no incantation, no ritual perform over your dead body, over your coffin and over your grave that can change final destination after death. You have completed your life journey upon this earth, and you are going to meet God with whatever lifestyles you have lived on the earth from the time you grew to know what is good and bad. You have by your character and lifestyles chosen your final destination to HELL or to HEAVEN. Satan who is the god of this world presently, rules over who worship him and who deny, reject and refuse to accept Jesus as their personal saviour. He also rules over all who love the world and the things that are in it such as drinking, worldly music, some TV programmes and worldly movies, fornication, bad dressing etc. And finally leads them to unquenchable HELL FIRE where anguish, pains, thirst and unending torment persist. God the creator rules over His children through the preaching of His word. All who believe His only begotten Son, The Lord Jesus Christ, and are baptized into His name and living a righteous life are in His Kingdom, and eternal life is promised to them that will overcome. There is joy unspeakable awaiting you sinner friend, if you will forsake Satan and his false promise and turn to the cross where the saviour Jesus paid the price for your sins. The Bible says in I Corinthians chapter 2:9 that “Eye hath not seen nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God has prepared for them that love Him” Jesus said in Matthew chapter 11:28 come unto me all ye that labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest He is the only one who gives rest to His people from their labour. God the father has chosen the preaching of the Gospel to select his children from the world. Today, the lot has fallen on you to be chosen as one of His many children. And with outstretched hands to receive you, He is waiting for your immediate response! If you die without Christ you are never going to rest in peace but you will go to wrestle in pieces in HELL FIRE. The Bible says HELL has enlarged herself and open her mouth without measure (Isaiah 5:14) and the wicked shall be turned into HELL and all the nations that forget God. (Psalm 9:17). The rich man, after enjoying a carefree life died when he was not expecting it. “In HELL he lifted up his eyes being in torment and seeth Abraham afar off and Lazarus in his boson. And he cried and said father Abraham have mercy on me and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame”( Luke 16:24) Remember that the rich man died and his stump dead body has a splendid grandeur burial in the sight of his admirers. But he found himself alone in a flame of torment and thirst in HELL FIRE! Remember also that in HELL he was conscious of himself. In HELL he felt pains and torment. In HELL he was thirsty and needed water to drink. In HELL he could recognize Abraham and Lazarus. In HELL “he could remember his five brothers and the life styles they are living which could possibly land them also there, in HELL the rich man found himself in the reality of HELL FIRE. All his five senses were working perfectly working in HELL FIRE: Though his decorated entombed grave could be identified on earth with an inscription written nicely on it, “Mr. so and so was born so and so day, died so and so day. May his soul rest in peace” But his soul has no peace at all. He is in torment in HELL FIRE. The rich man remembered the many chances he had to avoid HELL FIRE of which he kept postponing until it was too late for him. My dear friend, please do not be like this rich man. There is a place for you to go when you leave this mortal body: to HEAVEN or to HELL. HELL is a place of moaning and regrets. It is a region created for the lost. There is no forgiveness in HELL. There is no deliverance there. Your pastor cannot help you there. Your father cannot help you there. Your mother cannot help you there. The Pope cannot help you there. Mary cannot help you there. No saint can help you there. In HELL it will be too late for you. There is no repentance there. Now is the day for you to repent! Now is the day of your salvation. Tomorrow may be too late for you! The road to HELL is a broad way that leadeth destruction and many precious ones are walking thereon (Matthew 7:13). If you fail to repent now and the next moment you die a sinner, automatically without choice you are going to walk on that fearsome broad way. It will be like a force is drawing you through that way of which you have no choice of avoiding. In this life, you sometimes hear of people dying without Jesus Christ, shouting “Oh Oh! They are coming for me ooh! Leave me alone I will not go! Why? Because they have wasted many precious times serving the devil or serving their mortal bodies with pleasures until it was too late for them. They sometimes see demons with heavy chains coming for them; sometimes God opens their eyes to see the Lake of fire, where they will spend horrific times. Yes about five minutes before your spirit leaves your body, God will open your eyes to see where you are going: Heaven or Hell. Have you ever dreamt and seen someone chasing to kill you and just as you are cornered and there was no way of escape, you find yourself lying in the bed and your heart panting? That is the real you, which is your spirit. Similarly you will go to bed one night and never wake up in this life, but you will find yourself crying for help and forgiveness in another environment faced with horror, anguish, torment and thirst. Remember there is no medicine or doctor that has cure for “HAD I KNOW” had I know always comes at last, after a failure! Please do not wait till you find yourself in this hopeless situation. It will be too late for you to repent! Repent now, repent oh sinner friend; for tomorrow is unknown death comes at any time, there is no time to wait. Oh my sinner friend, make up your mind now and decide today! Never say you are church member so you are going to make it, I repeat, if you are not repented yet, do it now, being a church member does not guarantee you to Heaven, it is individual affair, (Luke 13:3/5, John:3:3,) TODAY WHEN YOU HEAR HIS VOICE HARDEN NOT YOUR HEART! Do not push the calling of Jesus aside as you have done several times in the past! This may be your last chance for “It is appointed unto man once to die, after that judgment” (Heb 9:27) Remember this, don’t you ever play jokes with HELL, HELL IS REAL! Why do you want to exchange Eternity to this temporary life here on earth and be in HELL FIRE? I urge you therefore to reconsider your decision and receive Jesus into your heart and obey his command (John 14:15/23) for eternal and happy life soon to come HEAVEN OR HELL WHICH WAY DO YOU CHOOSE?????????? I URGE YOU TO MAKE RIGHT CHOICE (HEAVEN) God richly bless you for accepting Jesus Christ
Posted on: Wed, 12 Mar 2014 13:30:52 +0000

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