~Please click See More or Continue Reading~ SUFA is not a - TopicsExpress


~Please click See More or Continue Reading~ SUFA is not a religious group, per say, SUFA starts with Americanism, the ism formed by the Declaration Of Independence. Which DECLARED that ALL men are given inalienable rights, by God (Creator, on the document) of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit Of Happiness. The first amendment does mention religion, but only religion as it pertains to how one SHOULD worship God. Unlike the Nancy Pelosi “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it, away from the fog of the controversy., our Founders debated, read, debated, prayed, read, debated, prayed and kept doing so until, at least, a majority agreed they had it right, even down to the size of the text in the calligraphy. The DOI reads the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Natures God entitle them, and that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness Notice please, Laws of Nature and of Natures God and not or. One God, supreme over the Laws of Nature, not man, not government nor ANY religion. their Creator not the creator. Capital C and personal to the individual, not any group. It does not read egg and sperm it does not read whatever or whoever a man thinks created him... it does not even read by this document! There are 204 unique individuals in the Founding Fathers group. That group includes people who did one or more of the following: - signed the Declaration of Independence - signed the Articles of Confederation - attended the Constitutional Convention of 1787 - signed the Constitution of the United States of America - served as Senators in the First Federal Congress (1789-1791) - served as U.S. Representatives in the First Federal Congress The religious affiliations of these individuals are: Episcopalian/Anglican, Presbyterian, Congregationalist, Quaker, Dutch Reformed/German Reformed, Lutheran, Catholic, Huguenot, Unitarian, Methodist, Calvinist, that it, all 204 of them. Even though President John Adams signed the Treaty of Tripoli, which included the Government of the United States of America is not, in any sense, founded on the Christian religion, only the ignorant would say that religion and God are the same thing. NEVER has been and NEVER will be!! PERIOD! ONLY the ignorant would believe that this group, called our Founding Fathers, would even try to separate God from the Americanism THEY formed. Government was supposed to be just a small part of what they were creating. Of course, WE have allowed the highest positions of that government to be taken by the vain and aspiring, so over the decades they have made government OUR new religion, mainly to secure their importance, not the importance of OUR God given Americanism. A religion is the method in which a group sees and/or worships God. a group that dictates when and where God can be seen and/or worshiped IS a religion. If that group IS government, the first amendment MAKES that illegal and unconstitutional, no matter what the nine political hacks of the SCOTUS decides! That amendment DOES NOT separate God from Americans nor their government, all it reads is that Americans government cannot dictate a religion and that Americans may never be prohibited the free exercise of it! ONLY the vain and aspiring could read it any other way! If someone believes that the term In God We Trust is some sort of religious statement, States Untied For Americans - SUFA IS NOT for them. We only what makeshift patriots that have some common sense and want to learn how to become one of the experienced patriots it WILL take to prevent the ruin of OUR country!!!! PERIOD! If you TRULY want to break this viscous insane cycle and are willing to learn something completely different, then: At States United For Americans - SUFA ALL members MUST have this REAL power FIRST!! So we are teaching how to become an experienced patriot with REAL power. If you understand just how insane it is to keep doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results and are willing to learn something that WILL stop socialism from devouring YOUR Americanism, join or re-join SUFA by clicking Continue Reading in the Pinned Post at the top of the page at: https://facebook/groups/statesunitedforamericans/ Please do not expect Facebook after you go beyond our catch all page. Facebook IS NOT what we are about! Saving Americanism IS!
Posted on: Sat, 15 Nov 2014 18:46:07 +0000

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