Please donate to the making of this movie if you can! This movie - TopicsExpress


Please donate to the making of this movie if you can! This movie will give the story of this horrible chronic illness which most people deny is even a real disease! I have a mild to moderate case, as many are in much more pain and are even bed-ridden or wheelchair bound by it~so I should be thankful, right? But its so very hard to feel thankful when its hard to function from day to day...when we feel our life has been stolen from us and when it seems that most people avoid us like the plague because they think were mental cases...and of course it does affect us mentally, emotionally AND spiritually as well as physically. Ive always been overly sensitive and have used the canary in a coal mine analogy before~maybe we should be grateful our bodies let us know when we are being poisoned earlier than normal people, but its NO fun to live this way~sometimes I think Im being punished~Im not ALLOWED have fun ever again~and I dread facing another 20 yrs of life just knowing its going to keep getting worse...Can you REALLY understand that at all? I feel so judged by almost everyone. (As you should be able to tell, Im having a real bad spell~fighting off the flu the past few days.) Imaging feeling like you have the flu almost ALL the time, and then feeling so much worse when you actually do...
Posted on: Wed, 23 Oct 2013 00:55:43 +0000

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