Please dont read this Colin Downer x Hot pockets - TopicsExpress


Please dont read this Colin Downer x Hot pockets MuHhahaha! The Evil hot pockets laughed as he looked at his vaste armies!!! Soon I will destroy the Earth!!! And nothing can stop me!!! Im sooo sorry for not updating! Im working really hard on some other cool stories (but I cant tell you about that in case holywood wants to steal my ideas. Its *that* good! As usually, the fandom characters arent mine, but everything else is! That includes the unique VERSION of the fandom characters seen in this story. Enjoy! Summary: I suck at writing summaries. Bsides the fic isnt that long! Colin Downer was sitting behind his dictionary. He felt the tears well up in his eyes like a damb bursting. After their last adventure, Colin Downer found out just exactly how cruel people could be. How mean and inconsiderate real humans actually were. Colin Downer stared at a picture of a tiger. A magnificent beast who would not hesitate to kill him but at least it would be quick. Not a overlong conspiracy of many years, just to be unleashed on him when he was at his weakest and darkest moment. When he needed his friends the most. But there had been one tiny ray of light in this whole nightmare. Colin Downer remembered fondly the day he discovered it. It was a tuesday morning he rememberanced. The memories surfaced before his minds eye and took the most wonderful shapes. Before Colin Downer well knew it, a single tear welled up in his eyes and trickled down his cheek. Because even when all his friends betrayed him, there was one consistant factor in his life: hot pockets. And Colin Downer knew that the rising aspirations between them could never become true, the feelings Colin Downer had for hot pockets were the only thing in this world that still felt true to him. No lies, just that single, pure sense and need for hot pockets. Alas, Colin Downer thought to himself. Why must they battle? Why must Colin Downer be destined to annihilate hot pockets? Can he ever tell hot pockets how much hot pockets means to Colin Downer? If only he could. Then all his pain would be over. No more betrayal. No more suffering under the laughter from Sir Serenity Darkmoon Raven (who told him she loved him, only to stab him right inti the heart at valentines day!). No, only hot pockets and Colin Downers true feelings for him. A/N Lol this has all been so depressive lol! My next bit will be less dark! A/N I got bored with the story but then I read this really cool story about putting the characters in high school! It will be full of unrequented love and emotional problems and other cool stuff@ hot pockets is like the most popular football player in school. And Colin Downer is like the unpopular kid who is only good at stunt driving & skateboarding. Its really unfair to Colin Downer because He is really cool actually but no one at the school knows about His superpowers. Colin Downer was in class. He was paying well attention because Colin Downer wanted to go to the best universities. But like always, annoying hot pockets was being an meany as always. He was annoying other people in class and the teacher but he was too popular to criticizes. Until Colin Downer could take it no more. Colin Downer stood up and said: Look, that you want to spend the rest of ur life cleaning sewers aint my problem! hot pockets stopped and looked at hero with fury. Others in the class gasped. No one said that to hot pockets (althoguh everyone ws secrfetly thinking that). hot pockets laughed and got up from his seat and grinned masly. What do you want,nerdy nerd? are u here to tell me what to do, huh? Colin Downer gulped. He had not thought of what to do next now. But then Sir Serenity Darkmoon Raven and Adoring fan rized from tier seats too. Colin Downer looked at them. they nodded back at him and with their determained faces they looked like they could take hot pockets on! And when Colin Downer looked on his right, he saw that the teacher had hid himself behind the desk. Even the teacher thought it was suicide to confront hot pockets like this! So hot pockets rose up and walked to Colin Downer and he said: I will see you after school. In my dungeon. U know where to find it! Ill be there, said Colin Downer certain of himself! And hot pockets left, leaving behind a trail of cold and shivers whent down Colin Downers spine. This wasnt going to end well. After renting a plane and flying up they finally arrived at the hot pocketss secret base. It was the biggest tower they had ever seen! And atop they heard the roar of hot pocketss fearsome dragon. No longer owuld it torchture villagers and kill shrubberys. It would finally pay for its crimes A/N if you wanna know more about the great dragon, message me! I can tell you all about it! I cant write it here because its an idea for an original book I have and I dont want publishers or holywood to steal my ideas! Mhahahaha! the dragon growled. It wooshed around and when it saw our heroes, it breathed in fire deeply and projectile vomited it at them! But our heroes were better than that, and with the powers stored inside the Spicy janet jackson, Colin Downer used his Lava proof dick and unleashed it upon the dragon! The scared dragon fled and the heroes could get in. Then at the end of a long stairway, Colin Downer saw hot pockets furnishing an incantation! Once more Colin Downer unleashed the Lava proof dick but it had no use! A/N OMG!!! Hahahaha! siad hot pockets. Yur powers do nothing against my uber-evil. And you dont even know why.... Why? Ill tell you why! says hot pockets with lingering evil in his voice. Its because the dragon.... is secretly your father!(A/N OMG!!!! Bet no one saw that coming!) My father?! Noooooo! What have you done?! I have turned your father into a dragon! Noooo what have you done?! I have turned him into a dragon! And now you will suffer too and be enslaved by this special spell I have prepared just for you! And with that last sentence, hot pockets pointed his hedious finger at Colin Downer and a black glowing streak of lighte went from his fingertip, onto the Colin Downer. Arrggh! Colin Downer muttered loudly. Arrthuhgh! Colin Downer! said Sir Serenity Darkmoon Raven, Noooo! And Adoring fan ran towards hot pockets and reasoned reasonably with hot pockets. The spell stopt absuddenly! And with that, Colin Downers dad was also freed from his prison in dragon form! But he decided to stay a dragon because that was awesome. But he was no longer evil! So they all went ontop of the dragom dad and flew back home. The end
Posted on: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 00:43:40 +0000

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