Please help keep the pressure on Speaker Shap Smith. Call him - TopicsExpress


Please help keep the pressure on Speaker Shap Smith. Call him today at 802-828-2245. Op-Ed: Outraged Morrissey may lose panel seat By Alan M. Wachstein Alan M. Wachstein is a Bennington resident. POSTED: 01/04/2015 05:06:06 PM EST0 COMMENTS Morrissey panel seat in danger, the Bennington Banner headline Jan. 3, should more accurately have read, Washington, D.C. politics finally infiltrates VT. Mary Morrissey is one of the last bastions, who is doing the job she was elected to do, and most importantly, she is looking out for the people of Vermont. How dare Shap Smith threaten to throw her under the bus, Obama style. Those tactics, to attack and destroy any fellow politician because they refuse to hide the truth or cast doubt on the process of legislating that could possibly expose, to the detriment of the radical left-wings agenda, is nothing short of despicable. Its high time for the good folks of Vermont to wake-up and smell the Green Mountain Coffee before it is too late. A state that once stood for the Constitution, individual rights, liberty and freedom from tyranny has allowed the states political venue to be hijacked toward a socialist agenda and then destroy anyone who has the fortitude to challenge it. For those who may not have noticed, the recent mid-term elections sent a very clear signal that folks have had enough and want their country back. Advertisement Morrissey, a highly experienced and fair-minded legislator, is being crucified, so what are you going to do about it? She has been at the forefront of the single payer health care idea since its inception and, like any concerned citizens who are fair-minded, intelligent, educated and engaged, was asking the right questions. One does not have to be a Harvard graduate or rocket scientist to know that such a health care system could never work. It has not and will not work at the federal level so how could anyone with rational and thoughtful judgment think that it could work in Vermont? Now that even the most die-hard liberals have discovered what most conservatives had already known, exactly how much taxpayer money did that three-ring circus cost the citizens of Vermont? Previously it was stated that the Vermont Healthcare Connect website cost tens of millions of dollars. Instead of engaging the services of a foreign company, they probably could have hired Amazon - private at a fraction of the cost and, without security issues. In addition, Governor Shumlins administration hired the likes of Jonathan Gruber knowing full well that their health care plan was dependent upon the ignorance, stupidity and inattention of those that it was designed to serve. Such squandering of the states treasury is inexcusable, and those behind our checkbooks must be held accountable. Morrissey should receive a public apology from Shap Smith, the Shumlin administration and should be applauded by the citizens of Vermont for her vigilance and courage. Contrary to what the Liberals and Progressives, currently in power, would want you to believe, there are no free lunches and attempting to redistribute the wealth is a one-way ticket to economic suicide. If you think that sending our jobs and money overseas has had an impact here in Vermont, you aint seen nothin yet.
Posted on: Mon, 05 Jan 2015 13:16:31 +0000

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