Please read, I could use your help--> I usually dont delve into - TopicsExpress


Please read, I could use your help--> I usually dont delve into heavy issues on facebook, I prefer to have in person conversations on such matters, but Im truly fed up. Yes this is related to the verdict this evening and no Im not surprised with the jurys decision, but I am disturbed... to put it mildly. Im far from a perfect person, but I have spent time trying to actively make this world a better place, by years of regular volunteering (w/ underprivileged children, at risk youth, clean up projects, homeless), donating (too many causes to list), voting (admittedly not a perfect record) and simply trying to be good a friend/family/person to those around me. However, I really feel now more than ever, that I have not done enough. I need to do more... for my son, my family, my community, my peace of mind and simply to give back for the blessings Ive had in my life. So heres where you can help me--> looking for ideas of ways I can further educate myself on the important issues as well as opportunities to pitch in, to make the community I live in (Oakland, Bay Area) a better place for all. Will donate both time and money. Will work for peace. Ill be donating what my pay from MOM Oakland tonight would have been to at least one of the organizations below (provided you guys help with suggestions), in honor of Michael Brown and all those unfairly, criminally taken from this earth. I say would have been because I unfortunately had to stay home to make sure my wife and son are safe, as the protest is right outside my house and a literal fire has been started only about a 150 feet from our home. I know its going to take more than money and more than I can do in a lifetime, but its what I can do tonight. Ive posted a pic of my son 1) because hes cute 2) I knew it would help get your attention 3) Im doing this for him Please DONT fill the comments here with complimentary gushing, not looking for nor do I want a pat on the back or praise, and I already know my kid is pretty cute (yes Im biased). Please DO help with suggestions if you got em. Thank you to all those that have been doing all you can to help create a better and more fair world.
Posted on: Tue, 25 Nov 2014 07:37:30 +0000

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