Please read this , the UK is offically bankrupt .... By Tom - TopicsExpress


Please read this , the UK is offically bankrupt .... By Tom Steele The fake “No Currency Union” Debacle was one of the greatest political diversions in history. While the media, the pundits, the politicians and the man in the street argued the merits for and against a currency union, and whether or not it was legal, questions about the hidden story behind this smokescreen were not being asked. First and foremost it shone a huge beacon of light on the fact that 90% of the population, including our elected MP’s, do not have the foggiest understanding of the difference between money and currency, and the fact that the banking system is one massively corrupt Ponzi scheme controlled and operated for the benefit for the elites at the top of the pyramid. But I digress. The currency union furore was used as a political smoke screen to avoid any in depth scrutiny and interrogation of the current state of the British economy, with the added bonus of putting the fear of god into the weak willed. If the true state of the economy was exposed, there would have been riots on the streets south of the border and a likely 95%+ for the YES vote. Britain’s admitted debt is a colossal mind boggling £1.5 Trillion, 80% of which was racked up by the Tories with Liberal consent from 2010. However, as we all know, the government pathologically lies about the national debt and this figure is almost certainly a lot higher. What the Westminster government also neglects to tell you is they also have £4-5 Trillion debt in unfunded pension liabilities. The interest payment on this galactic sized debt at the present time is £1 Billion per week, paid directly to the privately owned banks from your taxes. This is why the government is desperate to keep the interest rate at almost zero percent, because the minute the interest rate starts rising, which it must according to the laws of economics, the government will not be able to service the debt and then it’s game over for the UK economy as we witness the most catastrophic financial crash in British history that will be mathematically impossible to avoid, and will leave Britain decimated for decades to come. The evidence is right in front of your eyes if you care to open them. Over the last few years all the major banks the world over RBS,JPMORGAN,HSBC,BARCLAYS, BofA, CHASE and many more have been conducting massive fraud, money laundering, insider trading, market manipulation and rigging, theft and suppression of the precious metals market. Some were fined billions of dollars for their crimes, paid for by you, the taxpayer. Not one single banker was even arrested let alone went to jail for these crimes against humanity. I won’t go into the dodgy derivatives market as even the “experts” who invented them don’t understand them, suffice to say this pile of toxic bets are hanging by a very shoogly nail and has a cumulative value measured in the Quadrillions of pounds!! (£1,000,000,000,000,000+) Let us not forget the “quantative easing” scam that is a cover for printing billions in fiat money out of thin air, and the “help to buy” wheeze which is just a Tory concocted Ponzi scheme to make the housing market look artificially healthy, and pass tax payers money onto their crony capitalists friends, supporters and donors. Remember too friends, Gordon Brown sold off all of Britain’s gold in the Bank of England at a telegraphed knock down price, and all the gold in Fort Knox disappeared during the Clinton administration. China, India and Russia have been buying up all the gold produced annually in the world and then some, and are prepared for the collapse of all the Western Banks and their fiat money. Oil…….need I say more? This is why austerity is a hoax, the debt is mathematically impossible to pay off, proving without a shadow of a doubt that austerity is a Tory ideological policy designed to destroy the middle classes and crush the working class, and thereby create a feudal society that has been their long held ideology. So while the Westminster political elite had us chasing our tails over currency union, they and their wealthy chums have been buying up all the real assets like properties, precious metals and fine art and food producers, so when the money systems collapse they will be left holding all the wealth while the rest of us are left with nothing, Zero, Zilch and they won’t give a damn. Independence from the British state is the only possible salvation from this coming economic catastrophe, we can’t avoid it, but an energy rich independent Scotland will recover at a more astonishingly faster rate than Westminster ever could. Will we achieve it in time?…..The clock is ticking!
Posted on: Wed, 29 Oct 2014 22:15:34 +0000

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