Please support the underdog! Down with illegal corporate actions! - TopicsExpress


Please support the underdog! Down with illegal corporate actions! Spread the word! Please share my website! ----> danharlow.webs Several years ago, I began working for an electronics manufacturing corporation in San Diego. I had flown out from New England and began work as their driver, receiving and delivering circuit boards, devices and components, to and from suppliers and clientele. After a few months, I moved from the company vehicle into the facility shop area; I was then assisting with minor assemblies and learning how to operate the CNC machines used to build components onto a circuit board. From there, I advanced into testing the finished products and eventually became one of the primary electronic testers. After an incredibly hurtful social situation with my ex roommate and other individuals in his social circle led to my hospitalization along with property damages and losses on the part of both myself and my family, I received a layoff from the Corporation and had to focus on my well-being. I moved back to where I was welcome and used this time to heal, while being followed with text message threats and physical threats left on my voicemail from my old roommate in San Diego. I decided to maintain a focus on regrouping my priorities and fixing my life. Within a month or two of leaving Southern California, I traveled back to New England for a few weeks to catch up with some friends and family while making it in time to be present for some of my God Daughter’s milestone markers. Once the leisure had run its course, I took a good look at how my life had progressed, said “see you later” and went back down to Florida with a game plan. I went back to work for the Corporation in San Diego, making and testing circuit board assemblies in November of 2012. Many times I found myself working more than my normal shift, putting in overtime as workload necessity demanded it, even to the point of excess at times. Then one day, it all changed. One of the primary CEO’s of the corporation, the vice president of operations gave me a task I would not perform. My duties for this specific job involved testing individual circuit boards, serializing them and producing documentation for each and every one, and the documentation was to be back dated and to have my signature on the line. The back date required was prior to our reception of the computer necessary to perform the electronic tests; a computer supplied by the customer commissioning the circuit boards. With hundreds of these specific circuit boards in wait to be tested, I refused to put my name on the line. I requested the CEO to adjust the dates being produced so as to match concurrently with the actual physical date of test and, in turn, validate the proper documented date of test and my signature. He refused. When the CEO became upset, cussed and punched a work surface while still refusing to adjust anything and while simply demanding I back date the documents, I walked out. The manager caught up with me outside, coerced me back into the conference room, and listened to my full explanation of all that was wrong with what was happening, I then repeated myself to the CEO, who’s only response was: “If you don’t like what I say, there’s the door.” I took this offer and was terminated from employment with them shortly there after. While attempting to handle this situation amicably, I brought it to public attention and had hoped to settle this wrongful termination in a somewhat respectful manner without involving a full legal process. When this lead to corporate arrogance and feigned ignorance, I compiled all correspondence and what I could gather of actual California state at will employment legislature, and simply proved on a public level that I had, in fact, been wrongfully terminated. I removed myself from an illegal and unethical situation, and was terminated for doing so. The affects this situation has had on my life is staggering. Out of spite, I lost any good career reference I would have gained, and had in fact earned. I lost my income to the point of losing the room I was renting, already a lower income rental so I could afford the large student loan payments I was making monthly before those also fell back into a defaulted status. I was homeless for the better part of a year, with the exception of some acquaintances and roommates allowing me to sleep on their couch for some of the coldest months, (different people from the aforementioned roommates.) I managed to maintain a vehicle, until it was taken when I was brutally arrested by Carlsbad California officers a couple of months ago. On July 5th 2014, I was booked into upper level security into Vista Detention Facility for assault and battery on an officer after he brutally and physically assaulted me, broke my necklace and used a Taser on my bare skin twice while I was trying to hand him paperwork for my SUV that they were insistent on removing from my possession, it held all of my personal items including hard copies of all my evidence against my ex employers and others involved within the realms of this legal situation. Then at my arraignment, my charges were reduced to obstruction and resisting arrest. After a month of jail time, and a district attorney claiming that I “Slugged the officer in the face,” I was released with a single misdemeanor of obstruction. Who in California can allegedly punch an officer in the face, get tasered, and then get released with a misdemeanor for Obstruction? –No one I’ve ever met. I didn’t assault the officer, and there were plenty of witnesses to prove it, and a hospital cleaning my wounds from the officer immediately after the altercation. This situation resulted in my clean record now reflecting a single conviction, which, of course, my lawyer has informed me will probably be used to attack my credibility in my suit that is filed against my former employer. The officers involved also stole my late grandmother’s wedding band, which was on the necklace the officer had broken. I’m serious, the officers claimed to have retrieved the ring from the ground, and then it was missing when I was released from the detention facility. One officer claims other officers had it, those officers don’t remember what happened to it. I have been without domicile this past year, I have gone hungry at times this past year, and I have been physically and socially targeted in order to remove any respect I may have had left after this corporation ruined my life. If it weren’t for a couple of friends here or there, and especially my mother above all, I honestly may not have survived. I’m asking for social support. PLEASE, spread the word! I’m very blessed to currently have a roof over my head, food in my stomach and some income in my pocket, though temporary and still unemployed. After I retained JML Law back in November of 2013, my claim against the electronics manufacturing corporation was filed with San Diego Superior court in April of this year. We are past the initial discovery stages and moving into deposition before mid-October. Pass it on, I could use some encouragement! When I refused to be responsible for producing incorrect documentation for the circuit boards in question, they were NOT just some little children’s toy implement, these specific circuit boards are the primary sensor, control and process devices that are installed into medical machinery. These machines test human blood for medicinal purposes, the circuit boards are about the size of a shoe box top and there were over around three to four hundred in line to be individually tested. While flipping through my twitter feed, I saw a television series actor, myself being a big fan of the series, and he was encouraging donating to a foundation he supports, a foundation focusing Down Syndrome; something I’m very familiar with and sympathetic towards. I read, I donated, and a appreciate having the ability to help. It gave me the idea to approach exposing my tribulations a different way; when at first, I tried to push a public exposure through Facebook so as to reach a respectful resolution without any legal backing, I am now approaching a legal resolution and I am preparing to follow it through to a final outcome. If I don’t have a simple “Go-to” method of bringing those concerned up to date, then I won’t receive the encouragement I would like to gain. It’s a major undertaking for me, filing claim against a corporation I worked hard for, after they removed my employment when I felt I was doing the right thing, and in fact, respecting accurate and ethical documentation procedures; having lawyers involved and having it represented potentially in and through the Superior court system.. It’s quite daunting, to say the least. Thank you for your time, I appreciate it! Sincerely, Dan Harlow
Posted on: Fri, 19 Sep 2014 20:44:14 +0000

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