Police are appealing for witnesses after a man was stabbed in a - TopicsExpress


Police are appealing for witnesses after a man was stabbed in a robbery in Tonge Moor, Bolton. Between 5pm and 5.10pm on Tuesday 9 September 2014 a man was driving on Back Tonge Moor Road in the direction of Bleak Street, but had to slow down as five men were standing in the road. As he stopped, one of the men opened the passenger door of his car and got in. The victim tried to drive off but the man grabbed the steering wheel, causing the car to crash into a stationary car. Another man then waved a knife at the victim through the car window and a struggle ensued, during which the victim was stabbed in the stomach. A black jacket was stolen and the men fled the scene. The first man is described as white, between 20 and 25-years-old, of medium build, and about 5ft 9in tall. He has blonde neatly cut hair and is clean shaven with a long face. The second man is described as black, between 18 and 25-years-old, of medium build, and is about 5ft 8in tall. He was wearing a silver/grey bandana on his head. Detective Constable Gary Dooley of Bolton Division said: “This appears to be a totally random and entirely unprovoked attack. “Luckily the victim’s injuries are not life-threatening but he is understandably extremely distressed about what happened. “If anyone was in the area of the attack or knows who the offenders are I would urge them to call us.” Anyone with information should call police on 0161 856 5761 or call the independent charity Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.
Posted on: Wed, 10 Sep 2014 16:45:25 +0000

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