Political Chaos or Masterminded Chicanery? - The seeming crises in - TopicsExpress


Political Chaos or Masterminded Chicanery? - The seeming crises in PF and MMD! It has been insinuated in some circles that when HEMCS (God rest his soul) died, his political party died with him. Whilst I may not necessarily agree with that, I instead believe that we are witnessing birth pangs which will lead to a new dispensation for Zambia. I am of the belief that God is moving behind the scenes even as believers all over stand and pray. It is said that every nation always gets the leader it deserves, yet scripture implies that God works behind the scenes to permit or remove those in authority according to His agenda and dispensation. I am a very big believer in the spiritual implications of our Jubilee (50 years of independence) and the move toward a new era in Zambia. This era will bring with it what I have come to learn of as the 7 things the Jubilee mean for us, these are... 1. Atonement – At-one-ment with God. 2. Favor and Mercies of the Lord – A tangible manifestation 3. Trumpet/Shout of Joy/Victory Cry – Declaration and Pronouncements (the Spoken word) 4. Freedom (Liberty) from bondage/slavery 5. Restoration – brought back to its original state – made as new 6. Debt cancellation – all old dues shall be cancelled 7. Land ownership – Step in, Occupy and Possess In view of these things I am moved by a status update that Bishop Reuben Sambo quoted below in his status... Then the Spirit lifted me up and brought me to the East Gate of the LORD’s house, which faces eastward; and there at the door of the gate were twenty-five men, among whom I saw Jaazaniah the son of Azzur, and Pelatiah the son of Benaiah, princes of the people. And He said to me: “Son of man, these are the men who devise iniquity and give wicked counsel in this city, Now it happened, while I was prophesying, that Pelatiah the son of Benaiah died. (Ezekiel 11:1-2, 13 NKJV) This scripture declares death within the camp of the evil ones (whoever they are). God has moved invisibly and set up whom He has chosen throughout the history of this country... Kaunda - He was the compromise candidate after Kapwepwe and Nkumbula could not agree as to whom should rule first. Chiluba - Wasnt even the founder of MMD but in order to create powerful momentum, the founders saw it fit to place him there instead Mwanawasa - Sata should have been the next in line, instead like a fluke literally he was picked from the blue Rupiah - It has now been shown and established that he was really not Mwanawasas choice as changes were to come - but death intervened. Sata - In spite of all that MMD mounted and all the odds, it was indeed Gods time. In the same manner, I believe that God will pick for us the next anointed leader and no shenanigans, tricks, puppeteering and scheming will work or change destiny. All we can do is watch and step up our prayer as The Almighty shapes our nations destiny! A new breed is coming! A birthing has begun! All take heart, peace be still, watch His salvation come upon this nation of Zambia!
Posted on: Sun, 23 Nov 2014 05:25:47 +0000

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