Political Correctness: Mimicking the Fort Hood outrage, it appears - TopicsExpress


Political Correctness: Mimicking the Fort Hood outrage, it appears authorities will not seek terrorism charges against a Muslim suspect who beheaded a co-worker in Oklahoma. Its just another case of workplace violence. So move along, folks, nothing to see here ... other than a severed head. Oklahoma authorities Tuesday charged Alton Nolen, aka JahKeem Yisrael, with murder and assault. The court affidavit says he grabbed his first victim — 54-year-old Colleen Hufford — from behind and began cutting her across the throat with the large knife, with a back-and-forth sawing motion. Then he attacked a second victim, 43-year-old Traci Johnson, and cut her across the throat, attempting to behead her as well. The FBI says theres no indication the grisly case is connected to terrorism, and it doesnt plan to pursue federal charges. Yep, no connection other than the fact that Nolen, a Muslim convert and local mosque regular, was fired from his job for trying to convert colleagues to Islam. Or the fact that his Facebook page contained photos celebrating ISIS beheadings of Americans, along with anti-American and pro-jihad remarks. Other than these and other details that howl jihad, no terrorism motive could be found. Religious motivation was just as fuzzy in the case of devout Muslim Nidal Hasan, who shot and killed 13 fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, Texas, in November 2009 while praising Allah. The district attorney prosecuting Nolen, meanwhile, maintained the beheading was an isolated incident. Except it wasnt. Two weeks earlier, another local Muslim — Jacob Muriithi — threatened to cut off a co-workers head because she wore a Star of David necklace. Muriithi identified himself as a Muslim and said he represented ISIS and that Islam kills Jews and Christians by cutting off their heads. This is just what we do, he said, adding that he was going to wait until the woman got off work to decapitate her with a dull blade, then post it on Facebook. Co-workers overheard the conversation and called the FBI, which did nothing. Local police wrote it off to workplace joking. Not until after Nolen carried out his own jihadi attack did authorities arrest Muriithi. We take these threats very seriously, the DA said after the fact. We cant help but wonder how differently things might have turned out for Nolens victims had police not waited two weeks to arrest Muriithi. If his case had made local news, perhaps Nolens employers would have done more to secure the building after they booted him for Islamic bullying. Read More At Investors Business Daily: news.investors/ibd-editorials/093014-719671-oklahoma-islamic-beheadings-not-workplace-violence-or-workplace-joking.htm#ixzz3EqZbi195 Follow us: @IBDinvestors on Twitter | InvestorsBusinessDaily on Facebook
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 00:54:07 +0000

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