Political correctness. Ill say it again. IS RUINING OUR COUNTRY! - TopicsExpress


Political correctness. Ill say it again. IS RUINING OUR COUNTRY! After my curiosity got the best of me. (Which I wish it hadnt) I started looking for videos, pictures, and stories on this ISIS garbage. Seeing what the Islamic people are doing to us Americans. But lets not hurt any Muslims feelings cause that would be mean. Might make someone shed a tear. The Ferguson, MO malarkey. Slavery still exists No peace, no justice. Im sure like most, Im flat out sick of it all. I learned in grade school that nobody is going to continue to do something hateful if you act like its not bothering you. Keep crying about it and the one who making the joke knows his weapon of choice is still affective. If racial slurs werent made to be a big deal then guess what......nobody would say them. As for the Islamic folks. If youre sticking up for them, or thinking we should back off then I think 100% of you should pack your things up and go be the very best friends you can be to them, in their country. Im sure they would LOVE to show you how honored they are to have you. They might teach you better on how to be a coward. Only difference between you and them, is that they arent turning their back on their country. But you liberal tree hugging, political correcting, blasphemes, dont swat a bee people cant even say the same. If you want world peace, maybe you should stick up for what your country was founded on first. Instead of trying to let the same people killing Americans live next door to me. Im not saying they are all like that, but the safety of my American people, your brothers and sisters, moms and dads, best friends, nieces and nephews. Are they worth that chance? We are ONE NATION UNDER GOD! Thats where we started. Lets keep it that way. WITH LIBERTY. We have got to take a stand for one another. JUSTCE FOR ALL! Dont forget where we came from cause you might end up in a different place if you dont stick with those fighting for your home. Some may unfriend me for this and if you do the only thing I feel bad about is that I didnt unfriend you first. GOD BLESS THIS NATION! #startsthere
Posted on: Thu, 28 Aug 2014 16:11:45 +0000

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