Politics in the Muslim World: The Turkish Module does not work - TopicsExpress


Politics in the Muslim World: The Turkish Module does not work because it is Haraam (Forbidden) in Islam, Turkey is a country with Majority Muslims but its not an Islamic State. Islam has its own System the Shariah of Allah (Not Democracy which is another man made system) The Egyptian Modules doesnt work, al Ikhwan failed because it was selective in terms of laws and Allah says in al Quran that we are to accept all of Islam, in its entirety, there are many requirements for the establishment of Deen, al Ikhwan neglected the need of a true Muslim Army comprised of Mujahideen (Why opt for Kufaar Democracy which is a failure in the Non-muslim world as well?) Fools follow fools. El Sisi is also not the right man for the leadership of Egypt, the current status quo of Egypt is also selective, the Egyptian Army is an Embarrassment for the Muslim World, their interests are based on money and greed not on the wealth of Imaan and the Superiority of Islam, they look like a bunch of Munafiqeen (Hypocrites). The Solution of the Economy is in Islamic Business Rules and regulations. The UAE Module is totally Haraam they have completely abandoned the Shariah of Allah Subahanahu Wa Taala and further enforce Fitna (Corruption), they allow many things which are Haraam (Forbidden in Islam), the UAE needs to realize the wealth and pleasures of this world will not save them, this world is not our Jannah, it is a Deception, the UAE needs to correct its Imaan faith in Allah and follow the way of Mohammed Sallallahu Alaihi Wasalaam, currently they are an embarrassment to the Greatness and Superiority of Islam. The Enemies of Islam fear the Islamic State and so do the Munafiqeen (Hypocrites), lets be honest they fear a change in their worldly lifestyle of sin and wasteful spending of accumulated wealth. The Solution for the Muslim World is not a battle of guns and bombs but an effort of educating the youth who are to be the future leaders. Our people need stability, they need Islamic education not western made education, Islam is a system of justice on its own, our people need Halaal Jobs, equality, safety and security, dignity and strength. Our people need the Khilafah to advance in the modern age. In 2010 we played a big role in ousting many dictators but we see new dictators having risen and we need to make sure such backwards movements does not happen. These dictators line up oppressive criminal police forces and a military which has no interest in the safety of the people but themselves, they protect the dictators and oppressors and not our people. The only ones who have the interest of the people at heart are the Ulama of Haqq, they have the interest of your success in this life and the Hereafter at heart, they are the true Leaders, obedience to them is a Fard Command of Allah Subahanahu Wa Taala. Khilafah is the solution to the problems of the whole world. This Group The United Muslim Nations International is more than just a group on Facebook, this is an actual Organization... Our aim is to educate Muslims from every part of the world on how not only be actively practicing Muslims but also how to raise your voice and Defend Islam from the current Islamophobic Attacks on our beautiful religion. We urge all to please download and share our 2011 book release, it took seven years of carefully summarizing a lot of information into only 23 pages. This is where life begins, each one of our members here are highly valued. You can do so much more for the Ummah as a whole, we have been actively involved in many cases around the world. Alhamdulillah the experiences we go thought in life shape and mold us. I make Shukr to Allah for His Guidance and for His Divine Protection. Our time in this life is limited like that of those who have passed before us but each of us are to continue the Battle for Islam, fight for the Superiority of our beautiful Deen. Stand against all odds, we need to fight like our forefathers and hold on firm. The Khilafah has not ended, it never did and never will, the Khilafah has only been under suppression for a few years, a few hundred years is not a lot, Islam has ruled for hundreds of years we will continue to rule Inshallah, the Khilafah is the responsibility of the Ulama of Haqq who needs to stop neglecting the Rights of the Minbar and not use it for mere lectures but to guide and consult the Ummah on how to address the issues we face. The Muslim Ummah does not lack leadership, there is an illness in the Imaan of Muslims, there is not a lack of Ulama nor a lack of Hufaz, there is a lack in people Understanding their Deen. From the age of 6 I have been a fighter for the Superiority of Islam, I have Debated Kufaar from that age already. I have faced many tests and trials in a number of ways and I have only become stronger. Islam is more than just five pillars, five pillars are but five pillars! Did you forget the Ummah should be seen as a wall interlocking, as One Body, pillars does not complete the home, every aspect of Islam should be implemented into our lives, start with yourself. One of the biggest problems I have seen in the Ummah today is that our brothers and sisters have lost respect for one another! Al Quran teaches us that we as believers should be protectors of each other, how can we defend and protect each other when we disrespect one another? Forget about sects (they are all wrong) there are no sects in Islam, there is only Islam as taught and practiced by Mohammed Sallallahu Alaihi Wasalaam and the Khilafah Rashida. Hold Firm to the teachings of the Imama Arbaa (Four Prominent Imaams of Fiqh) *Abu Hanifa, Shafi, Hanbali, Maliki* hold on to their lessons. Here you have a chance, an opportunity to bring back honor to Islam by first bringing back your honor of being a Muslim, be a Mumin a True Believer, one who practices and implements the Deen of Islam, start today dont leave it for tomorrow because tomorrow is not guaranteed. My Brothers and Sisters Dont sell your Imaan for a Western Concept of Islam, we dont need non-muslims to tell us what Islam is and what it is not, they are not Muslims, they dont believe in Islam, they dont believe in Mohammed Sallallahu Alaihi Wasalaam, they dont believe and follow the command of Allah, they hate the Quran and reject the Shariah of Allah Subahanahu Wa Taala. I Repeat! Theres not versions of Islam, there is only Islam as taught and practiced by Mohammed Sallallahu Alaihi Wasalaam, a real Muslim rejects Democracy and stands firm for the Shariah of Allah, a real Muslim who believes in Allah and really follows the Deen of Islam will reject everything else because Islam is the solution for everything. Do not associate with Munafiqeen (Hypocrites), reclaim your honor, your identity as a Muslim, stand up for your Deen it is your right and YOUR DUTY. Download, Read and Share this booklet!!! It is only 23 pages but you will learn a lot. The Generations to come Depend on us, let us not fail them, let us not sell our own to the Kufaar by not Educating them on how to live as Muslims with Dignity, without fear of no man, no country, no army, not even Shaytaan. This is our chance to fight back. THE GLOBAL ISLAMIC CIVILIZATION: POWER OF A NATION REVIVED umnintligov.wordpress/tag/the-global-islamic-civilization-power-of-a-nation-revived/
Posted on: Sun, 23 Mar 2014 11:52:48 +0000

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