Polygraphs are not allowed into federal trial due to the view that - TopicsExpress


Polygraphs are not allowed into federal trial due to the view that they are not reliable as forms of evidence and too prejudicial for a jury. I have handled a number of polygraph cases and it has been very troubling to see how the federal government uses the tests to intimidate people and often misrepresents the results to try to get people to confess to crimes. In one case, the FBI polygrapher admitted that he was using the tests as an interrogation technique. The conditions for the tests were entirely improper and the results were equally unreliable but the subject did not know that. The Justice Department wanted two years in prison after Dixon, 34, pleaded guilty to charges of obstruction and wire fraud. Notably, O’Grady acknowledged that the case fell into “gray areas” of constitutional law and noted that “there’s nothing unlawful about maybe 95 percent of the business he conducted.” In a federal sting, Dixon advised one undercover agent posing as the brother of a violent Mexican drug trafficker to withhold details during a polygraph for a U.S. Customs and Border Protection job. Even if he counseled to withhold information, he was not the one who committed the act of fraud or any false statement. By the way, while the Holder Justice Department has no tolerance for people who encourage others to lie on a lie detector test, it is perfectly find with an official who virtually admits to committing perjury before Congress. In the case of National Intelligence Chief John Clapper, the man who admitted to lying before Congress on surveillance programs , the Obama Administration is not even interested in opening an investigation. After all, he just lied to the American people and to Congress. jonathanturley.org/2013/09/10/federal-court-sentenced-man-to-eight-months-in-jail-for-advising-people-on-how-to-beat-lie-detectors/#more-69519
Posted on: Tue, 10 Sep 2013 17:41:51 +0000

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