Post Apocalyptic Fiction: Here are some books to explore - PLEASE - TopicsExpress


Post Apocalyptic Fiction: Here are some books to explore - PLEASE add more ideas in the comments below - remember this is a **FICTION** list, bonus for fiction that has some educational value (this is not a survival how to by the latest TV expert, list). - One Second After, by William Forstchen - 1984, by George Orwell (I know its a stretch but its going on here) - The Death of Grass, by John Christopher*** - A Land of Ash, by David Dalglish (collection of theme centered genre stories) - Patriots, by James Wesley Rawles - Lights Out, by David Crawford - The Road, by Cormac Maccarthy - Lucifers Hammer, by Jerry Pournelle - The Postman, by David Brin (its not like the movie, honest, the book is better) - Alas Babylon, by Pat Frank - Earth Abides, by George R. Stewart - Wastelands, by John Joseph Adams (collection of genre stories) - The Scarlet Plague, by Jack London (who knew Mr. White Fang wrote one of the first post apocalyptic fictions?) - The Stand, by Stephen King (not a huge fan of King personally but I do enjoy his writing) - Patriot Dawn, by Max Velocity - The Jakarta Pandemic, by Steven Konkoly - Apocalypse Law, by John Grit (last edition I read is in need of a good editor but good story) - Left Behind, by Tim & Jerry Jenkins LaHaye (Christian themed, based on their interpretation of the book of Revelations & supporting texts) ________________________________________ I think many post apocalyptic fiction books are educational to some extent, but like with movies, I dont base my plans or preps on them because its always one persons interpretation of what is going to happen, and no one really knows for sure what will happen (and usually its fairly dark - because honestly, thats what sells, its not that its necessarily most likely to happen, its just sells). Mostly I am interested in what the author thinks is going to happen and why, that is always very interesting to me. Sometimes I agree sometimes I do not - sometimes all in one book I will agree and disagree. I am not really that interested in which gun they are using, how they have modified it, or what brand of boots they are putting on, that kind of stuff drives me bonkers when I am reading a it for a survival manual. Anyone can jump in here with a suggestion, here is my one guideline. If you are going to recommend a self-published eBook - make sure you have read it and that its a good read. There are books I am not including here because they were written poorly, full of typos and/or in need of a good editor to the point where I cant recommend them. This isnt the case for all self-published eBooks but it is the unfortunate case for a lot of them. Some books arent on here simply because I havent read them and cant recommend either way. (If you are a self-published author, please dont jump on here all butt-hurt because I said that - I probably wasnt referring to you, and I am just saying what everyone else is thinking, take it as constructive criticism.) I know there are some good post apocalyptic zombie books out there....sigh...just keep them to a minimum I dont really find them realistic but I know some folks really dig them. And no vampire books - just dont go there... #prepping #selfreliance #preppers #preppertalk
Posted on: Wed, 14 May 2014 19:35:16 +0000

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