Post Script October 17, 2014 The Magical Season of 1964 – 50 - TopicsExpress


Post Script October 17, 2014 The Magical Season of 1964 – 50 Years Later As I have stated probably too many times in the previous articles, 50 years have passed and this team – THIS TEAM is still the best this county has ever seen to play football for the High School. For a perspective on what it means to be the best for half-a-century lets go to the WAYBACK Machine. 1964 – Sports World Series St. Louis Cardinals d. NY Yankees (4-3) NBA Championship Boston d. SF Warriors (4-1) Stanley Cup Toronto d. Detroit (4-3) Wimbledon Women:Maria Bueno d. M. Smith (6-4 7-9 6-3) Men:Roy Emerson d. F. Stolle (6-4 12-10 4-6 6-3 Kentucky Derby Champion Northern Dancer NCAA Basketball Championship UCLA d. Duke (98-83) NCAA Football Champions Alabama (AP, UPI), (10-1-0); Arkansas (FW), (11-0-0) & Notre Dame (NFF), (9-1-0) Georgia State High School Football Championship – Class AA Douglas County High School (13-0-1) defeats Dalton at Dalton 13-6 1960s Barry Goldwater announced that he was a candidate for the U.S. Presidency. Later that year he lost ... big time! Lyndon B. Johnson: 43,126,506; Goldwater: 27,176,799. Beatles 1st appeared on Billboard Chart at #35 for I Want to Hold Your Hand. Pres. Johnson held a meeting with Sec. of Defense Robert McNamara after which he approved covert operations against North Vietnam Indiana Governor Mathew Walsh tried to ban Louie Louie for obscenity. Sarah Palin, later governor of Alaska, was born in Sandpoint, Idaho. After 3 months her family moved to Alaska. In the summer of 1969, for example, more than 400,000 young people trooped to the Woodstock music festival in upstate New York, a harmonious three days that seemed to represent the best of the peace-and-love generation. 1970s Beatles Break Up, Computer Floppy Disks Introduced, Palestinian Group Hijacks Five Planes, VCRs Introduced, Kent State Shootings, Mark Spitz Wins Seven Gold Medals, Watergate Scandal Begins,Terrorists Attack at the Olympic Games in Munich, U.S. Pulls Out of Vietnam,Terracotta Army Discovered in China, U.S. President Nixon Resigns, Saturday Night Live Premiers, Former Teamsters Union leader Jimmy Hoffa Goes Missing, First Monster Truck (Bigfoot) Built,Two Assassination, Attempts Against U.S. President Gerald Ford, First Ebola Virus Outbreaks, Elvis Found Dead, Star Wars Movie Released, Trans-Alaska Pipeline System Finished, First Test-Tube Baby Born, Ayatollah Khomeini Returns as Leader of Iran, Iran Takes American Hostages in Tehran, Nuclear Accident at Three Mile Island, Sony Introduces the Walkman. 1980s Failed U.S. Rescue Attempt to Save Hostages in Tehran, John Lennon Assassinated, Pac-Man Video Game Released, Mt. St. Helens Erupts, Rubiks Cube Becomes Popular, Ted Turner Establishes CNN, Assassination Attempt on the Pope, Assassination Attempt on U.S. President Reagan, First Woman Appointed to the U.S. Supreme Court, Millions Watch Royal Wedding on T.V., New Plague Identified as AIDS, Personal Computers (PC) Introduced by IBM, E.T. Movie Released., Falkland Islands Invaded by Argentina, King Henry VIIIs Ship the Mary RoseRaised After 437 Years, Michael Jackson Releases Thriller, Reverend Sun Myung Moon Marries 2,075 Couples at Madison Square Garden, Vietnam War Memorial Opened in Washington, DC, Cabbage Patch Kids Are Popular, Reagan Announces Defense Plan Called Star Wars, Sally Ride Becomes the First American Woman in Space, Soviets Shoot Down a Korean Airliner, U.S. Embassy in Beirut Bombed, PG-13 Movie Rating Created, Back to the Future Opens, Mikhail Gorbachev calls for Glasnost and Perestroika, Wreck of the Titanic Found, Space Shuttle Challenger Explodes, Chernobyl Nuclear Disaster,, Ferdinand Marcos Flees the Philippines, Halleys Comet Passes By, Iran-Contra Scandal Unfolds, U.S. Bombs Libya, U.S.S.R. Launches Mir Space Station, New York Stock Exchange Suffers Huge Drop on Black Monday, West German Pilot Lands Unchallenged in Russias Red Square, Pan Am Flight 103 Is Bombed Over, Lockerbie, U.S. Shoots Down Iranian Airliner, Berlin Wall Falls, Exxon Valdez Spills Millions of Gallons of Oil on Coastline, Romanian Leader Nicolae Ceausescu and His Wife Are Executed, Students Massacred in Chinas Tiananmen Square, World Wide Web Invented, 1990s Germany Reunited, Hubble Telescope Launched Into Space, Lech Walesa Becomes First President of Poland, Milli Vanilli Lip-Synch Scandal, U.S. President Bush Announces That He Doesnt Like Broccoli, Collapse of the Soviet Union, Copper Age Man Found Frozen in Glacier, Operation Desert Storm, Official End of the Cold War, Riots in Los Angeles After the Rodney King Verdict, Cult Compound in Waco, Texas Raided, Lorena Bobbitt Takes Brutal Revenge, Use of the Internet Grows Exponentially, World Trade Center Bombed, Channel Tunnel Opens, Connecting Britain and France, Auction Website eBay Is Founded, Final Calvin and Hobbes Comic Strip Published, First Successful Air-Balloon Ride Over the Pacific Ocean, O.J. Simpson Found Not Guilty of Double Murder, Oklahoma City bombing, Sarin gas attack in Tokyo Subway, Worlds Deadliest Subway Disaster Occurs in the Baku Metro in Azerbaijan, Yitzhak Rabin Assassinated, Two Royal Divorces, Unabomber Arrested, First Harry Potter Book Is Released, Hale-Bopp Comet Visible, Hong Kong Returned to China, Pathfinder Sends Back Images of Mars, Princess Diana Dies in Car Crash, Scientists Clone Sheep, Tallest Buildings in the World Built in Kuala Lumpur, Tiger Woods Wins Masters, Titanic Most Successful Movie Ever, U.S. President Clinton Impeached, Viagra on the Market, Fear of Y2K Bug, JFK Jr. Dies in Plane Accident, NATO Attacks Serbia, Killing Spree at Columbine High School, 2000s Elian Gonzalez Goes Home, Microsoft ordered to Split, Russian Submarine Sunk in Barents Sea, Unclear Winner in U.S. Presidential Election, US Cole Bombed, Space Shuttle Columbia disaster,, Facebook is launched, USS Cole Bombed, Space Shuttle Columbia disaster,China launches its first manned space mission, First recorded hurricane in the South Atlantic, George W. Bush re-elected, Worlds first 1 gigabyte SD card, You Tube is launched, Hurricane Katrina floods New Orleans, Crude oil production is reaching a plateau, Twitter is launched, Pluto is demoted to a “dwarf planet”status, North Korea conducts its first nuclear test, Saddam Hussein is executed, Apple debuts the iPhone, Amazon debuts the Kindle, Major breakthrough in cancer research, Water is discovered on the Moon, The tallest man-made structure is completed, Indian Ocean earthquake leaves a quarter of a million dead, Saddam Hussein is executed, Google Street view is launched, Benazir Bhutto is assassinated in Pakistan, Apple Debuts the iPhone, Amazon debuts the Kindle, Major breakthrough in cancer research, Water is discovered on the Moon, Tallest man-made structure is completed. 2010 to Present Haiti is struck by a devastating earthquake, Apple debuts the iPad, The worst marine disaster in the US takes place in the Gulf of Mexico, Japan is devastated by a 9.0 magnitude earthquake, Death of Osama Bin Laden, Space Shuttle fleet is retired, Global population reaches 7 billion, The Diamond Jubilee of Queen Elizabeth II, Voyager I crosses the heliopause, The Mayan Calendar reaches the end of its current cycle, A meteor explodes over Chelyabinsk Russia, birth ofa Royal baby, Launch of PS4 and Xbox One, Chinas first unmanned moon landing. I dont expect anybody to read all of the above historical events, but WOW a lot has happened in the following years. Some things good some not so good! But in all of those years there has been this one constant and while this constant really really has no effect on the population of China, or El Nino, or anything else for that matter. In 1964 time stood still on a cold Friday night on a muddy field in Dalton Georgia for 27 athletes who when the whistle blew that final second we were the best we had ever seen, the best this county has ever seen... and 50 years later,WE STILL ARE THE BEST! For one shining moment in my life and the lives of all those that were a part of this we (and I mean all that were a part of this, the band, the majorettes, the cheerleaders, county and city officials and of course the team, coaches and trainers) grasped that final rung in the ladder of success and proclaimed for all to hear WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS On one final note, On October the 17, 2014, the High School honored the team on the 50th anniversary of our championship. We were introduced to the Homecoming crowd that evening on the field of battle followed by a reception. During the field introductions, an announcement was made by Dr. Tim Scott Principal of the High School, that there would be a Hall of Fame and that we (the team) would be the inaugural inductees to this Hall of Fame. We were also presented patches that stated DC LEGENDS. This patch reminded me of the patch we received for our blue blazers (Yes I still have mine) that we wore to away games. And if I am still around 50 years from now I might just do this again. Randy Hallman Class of 1967 State Champs 1964
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 15:04:18 +0000

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