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Post navigation« HOW WOULD YOU KNOW IT WAS WORTH IT?HOW TO MAKE YOUR MASTERPIECE » 10 Life-Changing Things Every Graduate Should Know class of 2013 Last weekend, I attended the Graduation Ceremony of a family friend. And as I looked into the faces of the graduates, I couldn’t help but see my younger self in them – excited and eager, blissfully unaware of days to come. There is plenty of advice out there for new graduates, but so much of it falls short of practical, real world help. Here are 10 things I wish someone had said to me. Following even one of them can vastly improve someone’s life forever. You should get out of here! The world is bigger than you think. No, for real…It’s much bigger. You’ve seen pictures. You know some history and facts. But there’s something that can’t be learned any other way than by traveling to a city you don’t know, an ocean away from home, communicating in a language you don’t speak, tasting food you’ve never seen, debating issues with people who are utterly convinced you’re wrong. Go see the world, at least a sliver of it. And don’t put it off until later. Later is more elusive than you think. Forget about being well-rounded. Your education has demanded you to focus on many areas at once. You’ve been trained and conditioned to be as well-rounded as possible. But society doesn’t actually honor well-rounded people. We applaud and promote experts. We give them medals and write books about them. Every moment you spend focusing on your weaknesses is a moment you’re not investing to improve the strengths that are tied to your purpose. Play to your strengths – avoid your weaknesses. Go be an expert. Make ‘em love you. Hard work and ability will only take you so far. People skills trump talent almost every time. There are lots of jobless experts – and plenty of successful people with little talent. Likability is key. In business and beyond, we promote people we enjoy being around more than those who are simply capable. Live your life in such a way that when you walk into a room, people are genuinely glad to see you…but be authentic. Schmoozers are losers. Pay yourself first…Now! No matter how much or little money you make, starting today, set aside 10% to invest or save long term. Most of us ignore disciplined saving until it’s too late. Don’t be like the masses. Start now and do it automatically, each time you make a bank deposit. Even small amounts can grow into fortunes when compound interest is applied. With time on your side, this is one of the best things you can do for your future. Run with those who get it. Despite your awesomeness, some people aren’t going to get you. A boss, a colleague, a date, an acquaintance…Someone out there is not a fan. When we’re younger, we tend to focus on these people. Why don’t they like us? Why can’t we win them over?! Life experience will eventually cure you of caring so much about what other people think, especially haters. Get there sooner than later. Bottom line – they’re just not your people. Don’t take it personally and don’t waste time trying to win them over. Move on. Find your people. Find your team. You’ll be amazed what happens when you surround yourself with people who are in your corner. It’s okay to change your mind. Look at all the unhappy people around you complaining about their lives. Wanna know something they all have in common? 100% of them are afraid to choose a different road than the one they previously chose. Yes, there may be some legitimate obstacles, but is the facade of security worth a sick heart? This is your life. When you find yourself on the wrong road, change your mind. Change your direction. Do it boldly and with confidence, knowing that you will find your way. Even if the transition is tough, a new and better choice will always lead to a new and better life. Be the squeaky wheel. Do you know the phrase, “You have not because you ask not”? It’s true for many reasons and in many ways. When we’re younger, we hang back, hoping good work and strong character will speak on our behalf. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always. The squeaky wheel does get the oil – and people who are bold enough to speak up usually get what they want, even if someone else deserves it more. This is why you see questionable guys dating incredible women – bad actors making films – and jerks getting ahead while you’re waiting to be noticed. Spend some time getting clear about what you hope, need and plan for your life. If you can’t define it, it will be defined for you and chances are good you won’t like what you get. Once you know what you want, speak up. Ask for what you want. It holds you accountable to go for it, and you’re likely to get some help. Find a new teacher. Each of us can point to a person in our childhood who encouraged our talent and our heart at a pivotal moment. They shaped our ability, taught us to dream beyond our boundaries and without their investment in us, we wouldn’t be who we are today. Thing is, that need never goes away. We all long for someone to be out in front of us, clearing a path and shining a light on the road up ahead. It’s not as easy to find that person outside of school, but it’s most definitely worth the search. Find someone who’s doing what you aspire to do and shadow them. Find a way to serve them. Ask smart questions. Listen more than you speak. A mentor is one of the most valuable treasures we forget to search for. Serve your way to happiness. You’ll never earn your way to happy. You’ll never purchase fulfillment. Notoriety, on its own, won’t fill the void inside you. The pursuit of stuff and position will eventually leave you empty. Finding ways to use your abilities to serve others is the key to fulfillment. If you want to be great, find someone who needs you and help them…no charge and no strings attached. You’ll never feel better about yourself than when you’re helping someone who can’t return the favor. It’s all for something – even the waiting. Life can be tough after graduation. It’s easy to feel like you’re stuck in between who you once were and who you want to be. You could drive yourself crazy wondering why everyone else is moving forward in the things that matter most while you’re standing still. What you learn in time is that it all makes sense…someday. Today is perfectly setting you up for someday. Stay eager and expectant, but patient and co
Posted on: Wed, 04 Sep 2013 14:11:18 +0000

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