Post op day 10 ~ They were able to place a long term tunneled - TopicsExpress


Post op day 10 ~ They were able to place a long term tunneled dialysis line!! Praise God! This is huge because in order for Courtney to improve we have to be able to pull fluid off while her kidneys arent working. They think she will be on dialysis for 2 or 3 more weeks until her kidneys begin to make urine again. They also placed a feeding tube so when her bowels wake up we can begin to feed her. She has had 3 major abdominal surgeries so this will take time. She is currently being given nutrition through her veins. We had a care conference with the ICU physicians and nurse today. They feel that Courtney will remain on the ventilator until the end of next week sometime. It is longer than we had hoped for, or expected, but it will take time to wean her off all of her IV medications that are currently supporting her as well as wean her sedation a little each day and then eventually wean the ventilator a little each day. They did mention that we may need to give her a trach but we are hopeful that she will wean off the ventilator before this becomes necessary. They dont know our Courtney, she loves to prove the doctors wrong! As a matter of fact she said exactly that right before she went into surgery.Shes always been a fighter and this time will be no different! She will be Amazed how much time has passed when she wakes up and I know she will REALLY BE AMAZED at how many people have been praying for her and thinking about her throughout this long journey. It has been a rough couple of days, I would even describe yesterday as unbearable for my family, but today has been a good day. We still have a ways to go but I really feel that now that we have this dialysis issue resolved we are heading in the right direction, it will just take time. We hope to have her awake and walking by Christmas! What a Miraculous Christmas it will be!!! Thank you everyone for loving and caring for our daughter!! I know God is using her to inspire others and give Hope to those who believe in Him. He has Great plans for her and we can not wait to see what they are and experience all the first she will be able to do with this Amazing and selfless gift she has been given! God Bless and Comfort our donor family!
Posted on: Fri, 05 Dec 2014 00:47:17 +0000

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