Posted by Aayushi Balpande Mistakes of the Indian constitution in - TopicsExpress


Posted by Aayushi Balpande Mistakes of the Indian constitution in reservation system: Indian constitution is more than 50 years old, but I still do not understand how do our politicians or people who redefine constitution are missing out a small point..... I am speaking about the reservation system and its drawbacks. Dr.Ambedkar was asked to be one of the members to define the Indian constitution.It was his greatness to alot different reservation policies to different communities for their uplift and betterment and make them aware as of other developed communities etc, but one has to keep in mind that he defined it clearly for 50 years. I accept that there needs an extention of the reservation system as there are still millions of people who are desparatly in need of reservations. One thing people of India /politicians has to keep in mind here is "The Reservation is for " under developed communities of India for their uplift and betterment and make them aware as of other developed communities etc " It clearly states that the reservation policy is for those who were /are still backward . Right from the date the constitution was defined there are millions of people who have used the advantages and developed so far.This indicates the development of the backward communities, I think this is what Ambedkar was expecting may be his dream has part. may be his dream has partially became true.Its a good indication!! But I strongly beleive that some thing else is going wrong,The reservation system even though helping many backward communities is also affecting the farward communities Let me explain clearly As stated earlier The Reservation system was implemented purely for the benifit of under developed communities ( to make them aware in all aspects , to make them mingle with other communities by developing their technical ,educational, social activities and skills) But unfortunately there are many Indians still who need these reservation systems, this has made the rulers to extend the reservation policy for few more years. This extension of the reservation system is leading to additional advantages for few and a big disadvantage for the other few. What I am telling is even though the reservation is for an underdeveloped community,One has to remember that there are millions of people from the same community who have been benifited and developed and became matured ( socially, technically, mentally , financially etc etc) But these people and their heriditary is still using the advantages by being that community, Is this not cheating or misusing the Indian constitution? Is this not leading to the destruction of the other developed community people? The people who are developed are still eating the fruits of the policy and becoming the hurdles for the people who really need the benefit in the same community I strongly disagree with this advantage of the constitution for the developed people in the backward communities, the constitution in this aspect has to be redefined by making --> This reservation system should be applicable only for those who are truly under developed --> It should be used by a family ( wife and husband) who are literally under developed and once they use the system and are developed that family and their generation should not be eligible for the reservation system --> The family that has utilised the system should be scrutinised and is to be declared developed family of that community and should not be eliglble for any benefits of that community reservation system.. If many modifications like this were done in the reservation system of indian costitution then it leads to the development of the --> people who are still under developed --> eradicate the unnecessary compitition in that community and allow the true beneficiaries --> avoid the misuse of the system --> development of the community etc etc... I want each and every Indian to think about this and be a part of helping the under developed communities or developed people....
Posted on: Wed, 18 Sep 2013 00:26:29 +0000

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