Pray for Living Hope & Pine Ridge churches. Again, these churches - TopicsExpress


Pray for Living Hope & Pine Ridge churches. Again, these churches represent the older, traditional and a newer style of worship. Todays tweet asked that we pray that all churches will see its role in revival & seek Gods help in these desperate days. We have to recognize that God has commissioned us make disciples. That means we ALL have a role & that it might not look exactly like it did in years past. Consider praying that your church start a new work. We tend to measure success in nickels and noses, always thinking larger numbers or huge budgets towards missions as being stronger/successful. The only true measuring tool is OBEDIENCE to Gods call as His church. Consider this, we are called to make disciples, not necessarily build a mega-church. Perhaps God is calling you to plant a church of 125 - just like you or maybe to a different group of people. So, dont look just at numbers & budgets - pray earnestly and do your part towards revival in Gods church. When Samuel prayed fervently for the Lords help (1 Sam 7: 9), what did the Lord do? He defeated the Philistines before Israel. Meaning, it was God not man that gave the victory/renewal. There are times the American church has experienced the story of revival/restoration. When morality & spiritual health was at a dreadful point in the early 1700s, God sent revival AS His people prayed, repented & sought Him. Following the Revolution, the moral/spiritual state of the church was at a low point, but God called His people to their knees in repentance & He answered with the 2nd Great Awakening. In the late 1950s, the church was again growing cold & God called His people to pray & return to Him in the Laymans Prayer Revival of 1857/58. Then a 4th time in 1900-1910 - a decade of awakening as His people prayed & sought Him. It sure has been a long time since revival & spiritual awakening changed America. We are overdue - perhaps prayer & returning to Him is needed today!
Posted on: Tue, 27 Jan 2015 11:05:22 +0000

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