Pray for me. Many classes and meetings ahead lay in wait of my - TopicsExpress


Pray for me. Many classes and meetings ahead lay in wait of my sobriety. And when I say I am Wild and I am Crazy. I am not saying it to show off or get attention. I am one of the craziest out of control person I have known since I lost my Gran DAD. I lost him and my mind within days. Turned towards the bottles for answers and now am divorced with 3 children. Left the house, pets, more or less everything I had besides the clothes on my back to my ex wife. Became a gypsy soul. Party like a rockstar 24/7. Now it is time to man back up. Get back on my feet and contend to my problems and priorities. Life is to short. Them kids need to come first. I am doing this for me and them babies. NOT TO IMPRESS YOU or because I have to. You are not me and have no reason or cause to judge me. That is GODs job and GOD gots me through all I encounter. I am worn out with the ways I act and the drinking when I should have been Dead and buried by now with what has gone on the past few years. That is no joke I am dead serious. And for my kids to see that and what I was doing to myself wondering if they were going to still have a father when they woke up has cut through me deeply. But with all being said. Be there and do all you can for them kids. Only ones you will have and family is a top priority and a huge anti depressant. Peace and Love FaceBook Friends. #BrainDeadGAMEEnt
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 00:10:43 +0000

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