Prayer Update on Developments with Brittany:Seattle or Not - TopicsExpress


Prayer Update on Developments with Brittany:Seattle or Not Seattle? Thank you so much for your prayers for Brittany and our family, we are so grateful. Brittany was released late yesterday afternoon! I was in the middle of this post and we were talking with doctors etc.. and so I never finished. She still has a lot of pain in her legs but she is happy to be home. We already had a home care nurse spend time with us this morning to prepare us for the new iv med. We just completed her first two hour infusion. A lot has happened in the past few days and we have received a lot of good information. Brittany is a complex one, in every area. There are very few answers to her medical issues, but we will continue to ask the Lord to lead us and we will go forward. Brittany has needed platelet transfusions twice in 4 days, and a blood transfusion in between there. Her bone marrow just isnt producing and that has been our concern for quite some time. We are thankful that the second bone marrow biopsy she had recently did NOT show any new cancer cells, and no new type of cancer. Thank the Lord! She had an Echo-cardiogram, and her heart looks good, no abnormalities. The test that evaluated whether she has a fungal infection provides a marker number. Any number over 80 is an indication of a fungal infection. Brittanys number was 326. They can usually identify the fungus in the heart or lungs. Brittanys scans were clear, they could not see it in either area. Again, we are thankful for that. We thank you for your constant prayers over her! The doctors are quite amazed that there is no evidence in the organs. Therefore, they are still treating Brittany with a very powerful antibiotic. We had already asked if we can administer it at home through IV, and the doctor was in agreement. We had a lot of communications with doctors and with home care staff so that Brittany could be released. Brittany has not had any fevers and her ANC, while very low, is still pretty stable for her. We are scheduled to go back by Thursday for a blood draw and for the possibility of transfusions, but that is ok. Brittany has been in terrible pain in her ankles, and lower legs and knees. Her ankles have been very swollen for months now. We obviously use her pain meds, but not much has been cutting her pain. It is hard for her to walk around at all due to all of this, and so we pray that healing will take place there. We are contemplating going off one of her medications in order to see if this will help. We just heard from the staff in Seattle (Fred Hutchison Research Hospital) in the past two days in regard to a second opinion. We have been praying that it would be clear if we are supposed to go. I just spoke with the staff member today and she said that Dr. Scott would like to meet with us and discuss Brittanys case. He has received all of her recent info.but he would need to be able to get her stains and review them before we go. We have two options to go within the next month. One is very soon, and I know right now that Brittany is not up for it, but I also know she does not want to miss school. She isnt feeling very good. There are several factors we have to consider. Will you please pray that this will fall into place and the right time will be clear as well. Brittanys bone marrow issue is considered Severe Aplastic Anemia. We pray fervently that this doctor is confident in some options for Brittany. It is only Christ in us that gives us strength. We know well that His power is made perfect in our weakness. Below are a couple of excerpts from Streams in the Desert devotionals that have been an encouragement during this time. The Lord hath sent strength for thee Psalm 68:28 We are strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man. And the strength is continuous; reserves of power come to us which we cannot exhaust. The Lord is my strength to go on. He gives us power to tread the dead level, to walk the long lane that seems never to have a turning, to go through those long reaches of life which afford no pleasant surprise, and which depress the spirits in the sameness of a terrible drudgery. The Lord is my strength to go up. He is to me the power by which I can climb the Hill Difficulty and not be afraid. I do not ask my cross to understand, My way to see- Better in darkness just to feel Thy hand, And follow Thee He is always faithful. Thank you for your love, support and prayers! Love, The Wnek Family
Posted on: Wed, 06 Aug 2014 02:00:39 +0000

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