Prayer Warrior Update: Well, I am home. And this time I have - TopicsExpress


Prayer Warrior Update: Well, I am home. And this time I have actually stayed home. This is definitely progress. The first few days went pretty well, significantly better than the before. However, the last two days have been increasingly difficult. Praise God the pain is better, but every breath has become an effort, my breathing muscles incredibly fatigued. But it was this morning I realized I was experiencing a far more threatening fatigue than that of my breathing, it was the fatigue of my heart and my spirit. I realized I was just tired. I was tired of fighting the pain. Tired of the struggle. Tired of life not being easy. I was tired of fighting to hold on to the truth. I was tired of fighting to fix my eyes on Jesus. I was tired...of everything. Suddenly, everything became a challenge. That which I have battled a hundred times suddenly felt like an obstacle I could not overcome. Suddenly I was just fighting to keep my head above water. The problem was, just like Peter, when I took my eyes off of Jesus I had no where else to look but to the crashing waves around me. The last few days I have been staring at far too much water and looking far too little at my King. And as a result, just like Peter, I quickly found myself drowning in the waves around me until I finally cried out to the only one that could pull me out of my storm-Jesus. In the wear and tear of my day, I had lost all heavenly vision. In the recent days I have started to see a battle to big for me to fight. But thats not what God, He sees Victory. Because of the life and resurrection of Jesus, my Savior, He already has this thing licked. He is fully in control. I am not on the loosing side here. I am the one to whom power has been given. Its about time I step up and claim it again. Paul spent days on end in a prison. He was beaten, persecuted, shipwrecked, his life was constantly in danger and not a day of his life went by that wasnt a struggle in every sense of the word. But Paul knew where he stood when he penned these words, No, despite all these things, overwhelming victory is ours through Christ, who loved us. -Romans 8:37 Overwhelming victory is ours. Period. So today, once again, I am lifting my head, rising to my feet and claiming the power of the cross, claiming the blood of Jesus, and proclaiming the Victory He has already taken hold of for me. Not only will my God not be defeated, neither will His people. Thank you for continuing to storm the gates of heaven. I know your prayers have continued to help me stand firm in the promises of the One who holds all power and authority- Jesus. -Asking for strength to look up, stand up, and fight -Endurance and perseverance to work through the next few days -For my breathing muscles and that the exercises would strengthen them quickly -Praise and blessing for my doctor, Dr. Boselli, and wisdom and strength for him going forward -Protection for my body as I head down to Philly for a follow up x-ray and an appt. on Thursday -Strength and encouragement for all of us
Posted on: Tue, 22 Oct 2013 15:25:23 +0000

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