Prayer Warriors for July 24, 2014 Debbie P needs her heart - TopicsExpress


Prayer Warriors for July 24, 2014 Debbie P needs her heart valve replaced. she has reached a point that it will be replaced. One step closer her dental exam showed no infections, no cavities and the heart work can begin. Will tell you date as soon as I know it. Margie has multiple cancers. This has been a long term problem, but the fact that its returned is troublesome. Prayers appreciated. Will have few to no updates on her. Baby Clay as always. CF has some serious situations going on, and while not all the details will be known, she deserves to be in the warrior group. Zaydee Lopes is battling childhood cancer. She is a toddler and suffering. She has been running fevers and has been separated from her pregnant mom because of the fevers. Phyllis Kimbrough a wonderful woman who is only in her 50s and is suffering from cerebral atrophy. Now wheelchair bound and the MDs took forever to diagnose her and now offer her no hope, no cures, no treatments. She is not a quitter so prayers will be appreciated.Vik will update when she can. This condition is only expected to worsen and she will be a long timer on this list. As each day passes she loses more ability to stand, walk, roll, or take care of her own needs.There is nothing they can do to stop the progression. Pegi Carines had a hysterectomy yesterday. I dont have any updates yet, but I am sure one is coming. . PRAYER LIST REQUESTS FOR JULY 24 2014 Debbie F is still having tooth issues. She had a badly infected tooth pulled. It was so bad it was infecting the jaw bone. Given six weeks to heal and they wanted to start work on the bridge. Double check of the back tooth shows its infected too. She MUST have this one pulled. Its already had a root canal, a crown, and surgery to save it. Its time for it to go. This means her only option to replace those teeth is now an implant. Expensive and painful. Lets let her get thru one step at a time. First the extraction. Prayers for calm and acceptance appreciated. Cora has left her abusive spouse and needs courage to stay away. Tammy Young fell and broke her tailbone. Very painful and nothing can be done to fix it. She will have to be strong till it heals on its own. Whispy Sue is facing possible surgery and is afraid and needs prayers. Paul C is more stable, but prayers still appreciated. Nancy Rose is having all sorts of medical issues. Please pray. Nancie has experienced some bleeding and other issues that they just cant figure out. Many tests and many procedures leave a girl tired. She has asked for more of a presence of God in her life. Cyndi Irving requests prayers. She inst ready to speak why. We know that before she speaks it God knows her needs and is by her side. Please turn it over to God. We are here if you need to speak Cyndi. (for sue) Prayer for a young man in appears he has found funding and will soon be moving his family 1000 miles to Texas for training, integration and putting his project into reality. Dodie is still having panic attacks.Anyone who has ever had one knows how horrible they can be Prayers for Jacen. A young man who doesnt believe in God even tho the many miracles have been shown to him. Recently he is feeling left out, abandoned even tho his family is right there. He is feeling lost and re evaluating his life, and situation. I want so many good things for him. We pray for Josephine. she is in her 80s and is starting to show signs of being quite over medicated. Her family MD doesnt know what to do so we are seeking out a gerontologist to help the family. Candy is not a quitter so I am sure mom is about to get the full boat ride of attention. Many of us have homes for sale, ready to move on, open the next door of where God wants to lead us. Would love to move on God, happy to face whatever is next. Lead and I shall follow. Kims mother, Imogene, is doing a little better but she asks we still pray for her. and so we shall. Debbie is having an MS flare and spent the evening in the ER getting medicated. MS is a stinky disease. If I forgot anyone or you need to add someone, please do so. If I have missed anyone I am sorry. Please add them
Posted on: Thu, 24 Jul 2014 12:23:41 +0000

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