Prayer and Fasting Day 6: Hey! You still there? Oh good. Its - TopicsExpress


Prayer and Fasting Day 6: Hey! You still there? Oh good. Its been crazy central over in my neck of the woods and boy oh boy we have some catching up to do. Hows the prayer and fasting going? Well there is something I should have warned you about....seems like when I have ever made it a point to spend special devoted time to the Lord, things can have a way of getting a TAD BIT crazy. I think you just learn it comes with it, and you have to laugh it off. The verse of the day today was Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places. Ok, before you go and wig out on me and think this sounds all weird and spooky, I have to say, I agree with this verse. I read this verse this morning and was like YEP, YEP, YEP. The last two days were a bit intense. Not only are we in the beginning days of the 21 days of prayer, we are also at the end stages of planning what I think is going to be one of the most life altering events...THRIVE. Im telling you, its literally been just one thing after another and you dont know if you should laugh, cry, or scream into a pillow...maybe just do all three. I then went over and read the Jesus Calling devotional for the day and it talked of the same said....You may encounter many obstacles as you move toward your goal, but dont be discouraged, never give up. I want to encourage you today that if you jumped in on this focused time of prayer and things got a little crazy, or you are working towards a goal and you feel like the walls are caving in around you, DO NOT GIVE UP. Do you understand me??? DO NOT GIVE UP. February of 2013, the month after I decided to do the biz end of YL, was a VERY bad month financially for us. We had postponed Alaynas bday party to Feb 1st from January 21st because we didnt even have money to buy her a cake, we got paid on the 1st so we said we would celebrate then. Our car broke down on the way to her party, all kids had to drink water because I could only budget for the cake. When the car broke down we knew something wouldnt get paid that month, then we got the car fixed, the two days later the car broke AGAIN with something totally different, then Jers sister surprised us with a wedding in two weeks to be at and we had a broken car, and no gas money and no clothes that fit the girls for a wedding. I remember sitting in my bedroom, might I add my bed was now a mattress on the floor because we sold our bedroom furniture to get by another month the month before, anyway, I sat there with the weight of the world on my shoulders, and the second Jer left for work I busted out crying. What was I doing? I KNEW I was on the path the Lord had for me. I felt it. I spent 21 days praying specifically for it. I never felt like I had a clear direction like I had right then, yet I felt the biggest weight. It was heavy you guys. I remember thinking WHAT ARE YOU DOING MONIQUE, just go and work in a doctors office and you can fix this weight. You are doing your family a disservice. YOU are causing this weight. YOU can do something, and I cried, and then I messaged my three friends that we prayed together about things, and they said STOP, YOU KNOW YOU ARE ON THE RIGHT PATH...and they prayed for me. I am telling you, that month I ended up going from Star to Executive (YL terminology sorry), and it was the month we started a FB group because when we went to Louisiana for Jers sisters wedding, I had 10 people in my organization and they were all asking me questions and I thought OH MY WORD I CAN NOT ANSWER THESE ALL, so a FB group was formed, which then turned into a MASSIVE AMAZING group and the rest is history. Listen, what if I GAVE UP? I wouldnt be sitting here right now living the most fulfilled life I could ever imagine. I am a FIRM believer that EVERYONE is meant to live this kind of life, yet so many GIVE UP, right before a massive break through. So while yet it still stinks to go through junk and opposition, I like to think that that means something VERY VERY awesome is right around the corner. So Im telling you, this is what has been happening the last two days. I can promise you, THRIVE is going to SOOOOOO ROCK, the last two days is proof. 2015 is going to ROCK, the last two days are proof. I just want you all to know that I am praying specifically for you today that you keeping pressing forward. That you have confidence in the path you are on in life and that you will NOT GIVE UP. Whatever your dreams are, whatever you are fighting for, I BELIEVE in you and I am standing with you believing it will happen. DO NOT GIVE UP. DO NOT GIVE you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth? Here are the verses from Jesus Calling today. Romans 8:31 What, then, shall we say in response to this? If God is for us, who can be against us? Luke 1:37 For nothing is impossible with God. Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. I love you guys. I am going to tell you ONE MORE TIME. DO NOT GIVE UP!
Posted on: Fri, 09 Jan 2015 20:29:39 +0000

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