Prayers for the deceased and the significance of the - TopicsExpress


Prayers for the deceased and the significance of the Daimoku. 1) How the Chinese practice to pray for their deceased ancestor in ancient time in China? It was a tradition custom that in China the Chinese practice what was taught by Confucius who teaches people to had filial piety towards their parents and live their country and live with nature which people can stay harmonise and strive for peace on each and every country. This custom was later influenced into Japan and Korea as was China closest neighbours. When one of the parent die, the male child had to stay on a mountain and build a hut there and stay to mourn his father or mother at a period of three years, otherwise he will be look upon as unfilial and will be exile from his home and village that he has lived in.This means that when our deceased relative and parents passed away, if we did not chant the Daimoku, then they cannot be save from their evil karma form in their past, therefore, people become helpless such religion or philosophy cannot save people from sufferings. Ancestor worship in Chinese therefore is very important but not much of true understanding as most people or even Buddhist scholars understand not much of the most of what the provincial sutra teaches. Even the Taoist master just conduct funeral rites but never teaches the lay people of the significance of offer racers to people ancestor who has passed away. The lacks of wisdom and the mission to spread the Mystic Law is the reason behind it. The teaching of Taoism and the other Buddhist sects cannot save our ancestor from salvation because the Daishonin teaches that they cannot reach them in the three existence of the phenomena of all lifes. entities in the state of Ku- Tai. ( a state of non- substantiality). 2) What does Nichiren Daishonin teaches about the Mystic Law and its significance? Nichiren Daishonin emphasis that Buddhism teaches the three existences of life, ones past, present and future is to make people realised that whatever they do create a cause of good or bad which refers to what in our thoughts, words and deeds and to confirm on our present situation as we live as a human beings. This also teaches that we are the cause of what we are but we can transform our lives in this lifetime. Therefore the Mystic Law teaches by the Daishonin is that chanting the Mystic Law of Nam- Myogo- Renge- Kyo can let us free from the suffering of Birth, Old age, sickness and death and become to attain the same state of life just as the Buddha had attained. When we chant the Daimoku to our deceased the Daimoku can reached our ancestor in the seven generations before us and why seven generations as I am not to sure about it, but I believe there must be a karmic kind of energy that penetrate towards this seven generations, this is my perception right now, unless someone can tell me more. The third President of the Soka Gakkai International, SGI, Daisaku Ikeda ,teaches us in his book called Unlocking The Mystery of Life and Death- Buddhism in the Contemporary World states that there is another existence from death to re- birth called the Intermediate existence, where human being consciousness stay in the state of Ku- Tai, a non- substantiality where it also called this state, stay in a dormancy state which cannot be seen or unseen, exist or never exist. The Daimoku chanted from the children can reach the intermediate existence because those who chant the Daimoku are Buddhas, and when the Daimoku can travel through space time and towards the three existence of life of manifested or dormancy, the deceased parents and ancestor relative will be save from falling into the three evil path. Many Buddhist scholars does not agreed with this point, and it need the practitioners to absolutely believe in it as there is no scientific proof on this matter. So far human beings still cannot use any reliable equipment or machine to measure or defined our human consciousness and until we had reached such capabilities in the future, believe of Faith become a very crucial important perception in our belief in the practice of True Buddhism. When in trouble or in sickness, SGI members has chanted hours and hours of Daimoku to overcome their sufferings and actual proof play a very important part to further strengthen such faith in the practitioner and they can see that the power of the Gohonzon is manifesting through their power of Faith and practice. Of course there are people who practice less but expect more, such people cannot see what powers the Gohonzon has because their faith is in doubt and in question. Faith is best manifested,to believe that the Gohonzon is absolute, the Daimoku is able to penetrate that worst sufferings and hardship that we had in our lives. That is why Nichiren Daishonin teaches that with Faith, one can enter Buddhahood in this lifetime. As for prayers for our deceased parents and deceased relative, we had to believe in every Daimoku that we had chanted that will be able to save them as well as our friends to be born in a place with the Gohonzon. Lastly, we must not chant with a mind of illusion but to seek enlightenment and chant with a sincere heart of gratitude base on our pure faith and as tough we are polishing our lives with the Daimoku, purifying our senses and consciousness and also to be awaken our mission for kosen- rufu, as the bodhisattva of the earth, then we will be attain Buddhahood in this life. And when this happens, all your seven generations will also enlighten in every existences of lives. Thank you, notes by David, 28th March 2014
Posted on: Sun, 01 Jun 2014 16:47:15 +0000

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