Precaution to loving brothers and sisters who visit my FB - TopicsExpress


Precaution to loving brothers and sisters who visit my FB page; Readers discretion asked please, considering my usage of writing in foreign language of English. ( lol I do need to laugh jokingly over my mistakes, acknowledging that I do need to train myself more, guess how long it took me to rewrite the talk from Korean to English, 120 minutes)( The time span of original talk was about 50 minutes, I guess) Well, we enjoyed his talk in pleasant and informative and impressive way. We thank you Jehovah very much! Date: November 8, 2014 Special Speaker from Korean Bethel: Brother In-Woo, Yim Theme of the Talk: Exercise your insight and stand on the course of life We are up to make decision and decisions in our daily lives. The one must thing that we have to increase in Christian capability is Insight. Literally saying Insight is look inside. Its the ability to see the reason of certain event. Let me tell you one true story related to Insight. There happen a helicopters unexpected emergent landing while flying over tropical jungle of the Amazone. There was one geologist among the passengers and felt something strage about the landing spot of the chopper since it landed on plain spot in the middle of the jungle. He immediately reasoned that there must be geological structural reasons for not covered with trees and vegetation over the landing area. He investigated the area and have found enormous quantity of valuable minerals like gold and others so, he became a historical and monumental wealthy person. Let me read Proverbs 16:20 reads, the one shows insight is a matter will find success, and happy is the one trusting in Jehovah. ( its Jehovahs guarantee) What would it be helpful for Christians to improve Insight in field ministry and teaching the Bible? Our good example, Jesus once tought 4,000 people and fed them. People were absolutely fascinated by Jesus teachings and they even forget to eat and drink during Jesus talk to them and Jesus had to feed them. Jesus knew whats inside peoples minds, he saw their sincere zeal for Gods kingdom. But unfortunately we can not see through peoples minds in our ministry. Lets say we meet a atheist who denies the very existence of God. If we try to apply our trained insight remembering Proverbs 16:23 saying, The heart of the wise one gives his mouth insight. And adds persuasiveness to his speech., The atheist does not even give a chance to talk now, What would be the good word for him? We ask him the reason why? Here is a true life experiencing story of a sister in Spain. She was experiencing serious Lugeric disease, she asked one Nun why God gave her such a serious painful disease? The Nun answered her back saying, bbecause he loves you, the atheist that she was reasoned herself saying what kind of God is he, cursing people with such a painful serious disease? With such an unreasonable stupid reply she became Atheist. Some people accepts with their intelligence but denies with their hearts. We can apply Insight when we meet brothers and sisters especially when we face unreasonable words or acts from them. Let me read Proverbs 19:11 saying, The insight of a man certainly slows down his anger, And it is beauty on his part to overlook an offense. ( I remind Jehovahs cardinal Jahs agape love momentarily Jah is intentionally sees reasons to seek his mercy instead of seek justice, isnt it awesome and truly forgiving ultimate fathers loving kindness, imitating his cardinal Agape love we can seek peace of our own and it eventually and immediately brings peace with others and changes situation into peaceful mood.) We can ask ourselves saying Maybe he or she might be experiencing something wrong at the moment. Probably in trouble with money matters, emotional distress, maybe unstable emotional disorder. Many of people living today experiencing bipolar disorder that stays deep inside ones mental. One sister experiencing a mental depression saying Ive been experiencing mental depression I never thought that I would experience such disorder but it was really challenging to me when I was experiencing it. When someone offend you swearing and unreasonableness we need to response in positive way remembering Pauls good example, reading Colossians 4:11, and Jesus who is called Justus, who are of those uncircumcised. Only these are my fellow workers for the Kingdom of God, and they have become a source of great comfort to me. When disciple Paul confined in a Jail in Rome certain brothers like Justus became a real comfort to him. You may have emergency kit in your home having white gauze, lets remind Paul when he was stoned to death, he was thrown in the middle of the mound of stone in Lystra. When Paul was brought into Timothys house by the hands of brothers, what would be the gauze like? The condition of the gauze might be soaked in blood and wounds of decaying flesh. We need to be like the very gauze covering the wounds. Although we might got hurt having wounds in our midst among our brothers and sisters we have responsibilities to tied his(her)wounds tightly. There was a sister loosing her own young son all of sudden. Brothers and sisters payed visits to comfort her on daily base. Even when she was alone there was one sister who stays with her knowing that she would cry for he lost son and she stayed with her and cried with her. Brothers and sisters have been helps and comforts for her during her tribulation. In Tokyo, there happen to ba a house that has been built only for 3 years. Due to want to have new house, workers started to break down the house from the top of the house and suddenly found a move of a skink nailed on the wood. Workers and the house owner was very surprised and curious how could the skink could be survived for 3 years? They decided to find out how it survived and theyve watched the skink for a while. There appeared another skink bringing food to the nailed one. In order to escape the emotional disorder persistent efforts are asked. Helping exactly what the hardship experiencing one needed to be cured. Lets pay our attention to our young ones in the congregation. They are not experienced with their lives and have not much things to say. Lets remind us the ancient 3 young Hebrews in Babylon, they were at their vigorous young tenth showing insight under the pressure of Babylonian king. Insight is the gift from Jehovah. According to a research, 43% of male students does not respect their own parents. 42% of female students disregard their father. Most of the youngones think that their parents are too picky intervening in their matters too much. Young ones must apply insight at here, Why my parents are advising me? Some parents are imposing limited use of internet and smart phone use. Internet is the one element of system of things that will cause serious spiritual damage to you containing poisonous element. In Exodue 1:20-27, it says the greatest thing is worshiping Jehovah and the 2nd greatest term is respecting ones parents. Showing reasonable respect to Jehovah and to your parents as well. Insight must be trained and educated and developed. At Jeremiah 3:15 says, And I will give you shepherds after my heart, and they will feed you with knowledge and insight. The decision of elders, you might not agree but do not seek the reason why? instead, acknowledge it as the decision of Jehovah God is the mature ones reasonable attitude. Lets consider Psalms 119:99, reads, I have more insight than my teachers, because I ponder over your reminders. Lets do personal study over WT and Awake! lets ask ourselves whether I am considering and lovingly studying them? All of these publications are well prepared by the hard works of faithful and discreet slave. As we do study on daily base, our insight and discernment will grow. 3rd, Reading our Bible, it gives us chance to train our insight. Considering the back grounds of certain persons words reasoning the cause of his comments. Peters name appears often in the Bible after Jesuss name. Since Peter was the eldest among disciples and representing other younger ones he asked many questions to Jesus. What comes into your mind when you recall Peter? 3 times of denial? Considering other disciples who have fled, Peter remained and followed Jesus to the inside of the priests house, see here, Peter was only one courageous disciple among disciples. 4th, We need meditate on the Bible to draw the back ground of the events. Meditation is taking Jehovahs thinking apart from the Bible and inscribe in our heart. Like a stonewright hammering on the stone to engrave words, we need to do hammering in our heart in engrave Gods mind on our minds. Proverbs 13:20 the one walking with the wise will become wise, But the one who has dealings with the stupid will fare badly. We gain insight while we enjoy field ministry with our brothers and sisters. While we carry on our field ministry we do listen and learn from certain situation so, lets regularly participate in field ministry and associate with brothers and sisters in vary. 5th, Attending meetings and participating earnestly. Earnest participation in congregation is very essential and helpful to increase your insight. My words are dull and difficult to understand as Moses said before Jehovah. There is a brother serving as an elder in the U.S., who used to be a traveling overseer. He was an excellent speaker and always encouraging to brothers and sisters but sudden brain stroke hospitalized him for a while damaging his language nerve resulting fluency in his speaking while nobody can understand him at all. Interesting thing is, he earnestly participate in every meetings with at least one comment during a meeting but nobody understands him. One day, a certain sister approached the wife of the brother asking a question Why does brother continuously comment during our meeting? The wife answered saying, ecause he knows that Jehovah and his beloved son and our reigning king Jesus include millions of angels hears his comment. Our comment during a meeting is our praise of lips to Jehovah. For training and increasing our insight faces various of challenges. A flower in the wilderness cant move to the fertile land. Man of insight reads the back ground of current tribulation (knowing Satan the devil and his machinations) will focus on the awe inspiring rewards and meditate on them, well persistently consume spiritual nutrition. Lets read Proverbs 15:24, The path of life leads up to one with insight, to turn him away from the Grave below. Reflecting your insight in the field ministry will be rewarded with Jehovahs abundant blessings upon you. Having insight on Jehovahs purposes will leads you to let you find new world of Jehovah. Everlasting blessings! Fix your insight in them! When our insight became like Jehovahs I wish all of You to stand on the way of everlasting life.
Posted on: Mon, 10 Nov 2014 11:49:03 +0000

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