Pregnancy at Slaughter: What Happens to the Calves? Vegetarian - TopicsExpress


Pregnancy at Slaughter: What Happens to the Calves? Vegetarian and meat-eating readers, I hope that after reading this post youre rethinking your resistance to giving up not only flesh and eggs but dairy too. Every time we think we know about all the cruelties involved, we learn about another dark and horrible aspect to animal agriculture. Who wants to be a part of--who wants to financially support--what happens to these calves? How do we justify it when we are merely choosing to be a part of it, when we can so easily choose not to be a part of it? (If youve not been convinced by words alone, see this graphic image gallery at Viva!. I cant imagine anyone seeing it and not being profoundly affected.) And in addition to getting cruelty out of your diet, the next time youre eyeing a pair of leather gloves or shoes or a leather bag or a leather wallet, you might ask yourself how much suffering, how much torture, how many lives, rather than how many dollars. Maybe youll picture these dead calves rather than yourself in the accessories made from their suffering, from their skins. And perhaps youll walk away rather than to the checkout counter. What happens when a cow is pregnant at the time of slaughter? I almost wish I didnt know. From the calves experiencing their mothers death from inside her, while they too suffer or die their own terrible death, to live calves being cut from their dead mothers womb, so that their blood can be drained for science while theyre still alive--its all horrific, and none of it is ever talked about, even though its a part of the dairy and beef industries and a part of how people get their finest leather. By accident a few months ago, I ended up watching a video of a pregnant cow already stunned and hung upside down--and the video showed an apparently almost-full-term calf struggling inside and against the mothers body, kicking in desperation, dying a horrible death inside the womb. Later came the image of that young calfs presumably dead body tossed into a bin (though it seems still live calves are often tossed as well). This is one particular horror Id previously failed to consider. Dairy cows especially (more than beef cows, that is, given that dairy cows are kept perpetually pregnant) may go to slaughter while pregnant if they become unprofitable before giving birth or if the producers decide to kill a bunch of cows even more prematurely than usual to save money when demand is down. And so while workers stun them, hang them upside down, cut open their throats to let the blood from their body drain out, cut off their legs, and pull off their skin, all that time, there is a calf inside them, fighting and dying a horrifying death. How soon in the process the calf inside dies likely varies according to how developed he or she was and how fast the slaughter process moves. In an efficient slaughterhouse, the calf could still be dying--dying but still living, still suffering terribly--at the time of her mothers dismemberment and disembowelment. A UK survey in the 1990s at one slaughterhouse found that, of the slaughtered cows, 23.5 per cent were pregnant and 26.9 per cent of these were in the third trimester. 23 percent were pregnant. Thats a lot. One percent--or even 1 calf--would be too many. But it gets worse. In addition to the trauma of still being alive inside their mothers during the latters death, fetal calves may also be cut from their mothers womb while still alive--so that their blood can be drained for use in science, without anesthesia. Please read more here: ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ۩۞۩ஜ▬▬▬▬▬▬ஜ We all have the power to change it! We are the paying consumers- we create the demand! Dont contribute to animal suffering. This is your dish, choose a vegan! Help us spread the message, share us! If you agree that animals feel, suffer, love and the truth about their abuse should be exposed, please “like” our page. Thank you! https://facebook/pages/Animal-Cruelty-Exposed/363725540304160 :(
Posted on: Sun, 03 Nov 2013 08:25:22 +0000

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