Prepare yourselves for the coming financial - TopicsExpress


Prepare yourselves for the coming financial Armageddon “Policies followed by the Federal Reserve resemble “Field of Dreams”. Crafted from a lifetime of studying the failures of the 1930s, the two most recent office holders of the Chairman of the Federal Reserve and their colleagues have been building their own financial field of dreams driven by the whispers of history and the regrets of the men who preceded them during the 1930s. The most recent version has been called the wealth effect. The idea behind the wealth effect is that when people feel wealthier, they are inclined to spend more freely. If spread across broad populations, that will create demand for goods and services resulting in strong economic growth. Two of those important traditional forms of wealth are stocks and real estate. The trouble with the plan is that money can be created, but controlling where it winds up is much more difficult. What we now know is that the money largely winds up blowing bubbles in the stock, real estate and art markets as well as being channeled to the proprietary trading desks of the biggest global banking institutions. A $119 million purchase of a house in Woodside, California, and a $95 million penthouse purchase in Manhattan are but just two examples. Banks reporting zero trading losses on any day in the first quarter of this calendar year is another. The money was created, but little of it reached the people from whom the wealth effect was expected. Temporary wealth was created for holders of fixed income due to the disastrous policy of driving down interest rates, but retirees saw their income confiscated. The income lost would probably have stimulated growth more than the increase in prices given to holders of fixed income. Real estate did see a recovery in some parts of the U.S., but it was driven by financial firms buying huge blocks of properties for repackaging and securitizing. So, the financial “Field of Dreams” created by our central banks has obviously failed. There were some positive effects, but those are now being seen as temporary. The desperate actions taken to pump up stock prices and to smash historical safe havens, such as gold and silver, signaled that the end was near. It is blatantly apparent to rational observers of markets that the policies of the Federal Reserve are broken. You can even include the Federal Reserve in that group in my opinion. Last week may have marked the beginning of a serious reversal of any gains realized during the last four years. It was reported that the bond market had the worst week in 50 years, with the 10-Year Treasury rate at 2.50%. Having lived through the 1970s, when Treasury rates were in double digits, if we think this past week was bad, prepare to be really shocked if rates continue upward in any manner which closely resembles that period (of the 1970s). A secular rise in rates theoretically could be described as manageable, but a rapid and dramatic rise in rates will shock the financial system. Since the first of the year, stocks were the envy of investors. The popular indexes basically went straight up with the help of official policy and company stock repurchases. Up until two weeks ago, all of the gains for the year typically came on Tuesdays. That pattern abruptly halted this past week. After Chairman Bernanke’s press conference on Wednesday, the last two days of the week showed severe damage to the sectors that had led the equity markets higher this year. The combination of rising interest rates and a key breakdown of leadership is a warning that steep declines in stocks and bonds could lie ahead. For gold and silver, another smash was engineered. It was fascinating to learn from Andrew Maguire that there was zero physical metal for sale as the smash was occurring. What kind of market can show a severe price decline when the asset upon which the market is based does not even change hands? What did occur was another subsequent surge in global demand for physical metals. Despite the massive plunge, and accompanying Fed and mainstream media propaganda, people and cultures with long memories know what this means. The great financial reset might finally be upon us. The race for anything tangible, and a scramble for collateral underpinning loans and derivatives, is now underway. While Western governments might succeed in further artificial declines in gold and silver prices, their agenda has now clearly been exposed for the world to plainly see. Underneath the blatant manipulation there is a frantic scramble by sovereign wealth funds and Eastern central banks to acquire the physical metals at extraordinarily discounted prices. Perhaps Western central planners will succeed as President Roosevelt did in the United States in the 1930s before that currency reset. But what is clear is that the central bank "Field of Dreams" is likely coming to an end. Although tremendous paper wealth has been generated through the blowing of bubbles and market manipulations, in reality the wealth has largely gone into tangibles and the pockets of a small group of individuals and large financial institutions. Far from a broad distribution of wealth that fosters economic growth, the benefit has only been to a few. And the harsh reality is that wealth has been squandered on ridiculous prices for art, trophy real estate and bank bonuses, instead of productive assets. This week and next week could very well tell the tale. We might be very close to a “New World Financial Order.”
Posted on: Wed, 26 Jun 2013 07:39:55 +0000

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